Red Rocoto

Anyone have trouble with Red Rocoto peppers setting/maturing fruits?
I have 2 overwintered Red Rocoto plants that are blooming well, but they never seem to set pods.  After the flower drops the little flower stem begins to turn brown from the top and eventually fall off. 
This has happened with multiple blooms on both plants?
Thanks for the input.
Knowing nothing about your grow, I would say give them calcium and less afternoon sun if any. What kind of temps are they exposed to?
Here in central Arkansas we are hitting upper 90's with humidity in the 50% + range.
All of my other peppers are setting fruit with no problems, just the Rocoto gives me trouble.
They are in containers so I can give them more shade if they need more, but they do not receive full sun all day now, probably from 8 AM to 1PM or so is when they are in the full sun.
Jusplayn said:
Anyone have trouble with Red Rocoto peppers setting/maturing fruits?
I have 2 overwintered Red Rocoto plants that are blooming well, but they never seem to set pods.  After the flower drops the little flower stem begins to turn brown from the top and eventually fall off. 
This has happened with multiple blooms on both plants?
Thanks for the input.
I am growing some this season and Some were very very productive such as Locatos, others didnt even set a pod yes such San Isidro.
the whole Rocoto family is picky when it comes to production.
Nightshade said:
Capsicum pubescens have a problem with high temps
Thats very true Rob.
They tend to like cool temps and very extended growing season, I started mine in November last year, and some plants still not setting fruits. 
unlike the rest of the domesticated peppers, the pubescens will not set early fruits if the plant if not fully grown, so they need longer time to set pods, if any at all.
If you're in black pots. Shade them from the sun. They hate hot roots. I think the temps in the 90s are your main problem. Try even less direct sun and calcium. I have red rocotos that i started in mid feb. setting and hanging pods. Mine get very little direct sun ( I also see temps in the 90s most of the summer) and are sheltered by a very big hedge, my Large pots never get direct sun. I also give frequent doses of calcium ie calmag, magi-cal, liquid bonemeal etc.
Also nutes high in N dont help. Use nutes high in P and K rather.
Jusplayn said:
Here in central Arkansas we are hitting upper 90's with humidity in the 50% + range.
All of my other peppers are setting fruit with no problems, just the Rocoto gives me trouble.
They are in containers so I can give them more shade if they need more, but they do not receive full sun all day now, probably from 8 AM to 1PM or so is when they are in the full su
Get them in the shade - temperatures are too hot. 