chinense Red Savina Habaneros

I'm growing red savinas for the first time. I picked a few when they were orange and not yet red just to try them. I noticed when I cut them open there were very dark (almost black) seeds (I think they were seeds) inside. Not all the seeds looked like this. Is this common?
If all the seeds are black, your plant is not red savina but some kind of capsicum pubescens.

If some seeds are black, the fruit could be diseased but it seems likely that you would have noticed a diseased pod.
I know what you're talking about, or maybe not ?
but certain hab types at just certain times I get pods that look normal on the outside but once cut open theres some blackish seeds/fungus growing on the placenta (sp?) or on the inside walls of the pod.
I thought is was from over watering last year so I cut back watering this year until the leaves were wilting, but still I got them & last year the black stuff stopped after awhile, so I dont really know the reason why it happens, maybe location or temps/humidity ?
if its to bad I'll just throw the chile away or I'll gut it & cut the bad part off & just wash the flesh, I've did this to many chiles & I'm still alive :) but thats up to you what to do with them. & washing some habs will get you coughing ;)
I've had the dark seed syndrom on many of my habs and didn't think anything of it as it's common for mine. They dark seeds never stopped me from munching them and they taste the same as the others. It may be from climate changes or genetic defects but I honestly don't think they are harmful, if I see the dark seeds I just try not to them.