Red Savina Leaf Holes Today

AlabamaJack said:
I have been drinking beer for 45 years and this is absolutely the best tasting beer I have ever has that is within the budget...its like nectar of the gods.........

AJ knows what he's talking about.

I love the Shiner 98.

Too bad for other people that Shiner isn't easily found outside of Texas. (Too bad for us Texans when we travel, too.)

Anyway, back on-topic, that really does look like a bug munched the leaf and then left. Maybe it didn't like the taste of Red Savina foliage. :)
You know, Elequin and the rest of you may be on to something as far as "something munched and then left"....could be the residual neem oil on the leaf gave it a "sour taste in its mouth"...

In the mean time...I clipped the leaf off the plant this morning and took a good closeup of the bottom of it. Wanted to see if there was anything still munching on the bottom I could not see with my eyes. Nothing there apparently.


This is a Picture I found that hows cabbage looper damage. It looks similar but is much more severe than I have and I have seen a moth in my grow box flittering around....


I will watch the plant (and others in the grow box) to see if any similar damage occurs to any of the other plants in there.
haven't seen any slime anywhere...the damage to the leaf does not look new from the close ups...and I just noticed the hole on the left just below center kinda sorta with my imagination looks like little bites have been taken out of the leaf....if you look close at the bottom of the left hole, you can see three distince curved nips...are my eyes deceiving me?
I just didn't know (and still do not) what caused the holes...this afternoon when I get home from work, I am going to give every one of the 9 plants in the grow box a leaf by leaf inspection...
I need a good magnifying glass but haven't thought to get a good one yet....