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chinense Red Scorpions at the grocery!

The guy in front of me at the checkout had one of these packages. I asked him where he found them and then sprinted out of line to grab a pack. $3.98 for 50 grams (about 1.8 ounces). I made it through about half of one with my lunch yesterday. Definitely the hottest thing I have ever had by a long shot. The part towards the tip of the stinger had a very bright berry flavor and a serious front of mouth and tongue burn. The parts further back where the pepper folds in on itself had that very bitter flavor and the harsh back of the throat burn. I'm still psyching myself up to tackle the back end of the pepper which I know is only going to be hotter than the part I already ate.
Why do I do this to myself? :crazy: 


Nice, but a bit expensive to buy it every week.
Here 1kg (35.3 Ounces) costs 14€ (19 USD).
This is a factor of about 4,2. - for the small box this seems ok to me.
I'd also like to have more than the standard habanero in small boxes as well.
Nice. I think they have fresh super hots for sale in Britain but I didn't think there were fresh super hots available in run of the mill grocery stores in the US
They also had "naga peppers" from the same grower. Not sure exactly what variety that is since there a bunch of different things called naga. They were about the size and shape of my pinky finger with a little bit of bumpiness and the same red color as the scorpions. If there are any left I will pick some up next time.
No shit???  This is good news.  Seems the supers are growing in importance to the public.  I bought some "ghost" peppers last year at the store myself.
I bought some Bhut's at Central Market here in Texas by the  "Melissa's company" and dried a few and got some seeds going...
The only bhuts I found so far have been dried.... and the bagger tried to tell me I didnt want them becauee of how hot theu are.... they made an awesome sauce....