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Red wigglers in my gardan ??

OK I mooved my plants to get more sun and found a dozen or so worms. In the gardan they went.. Now do I feed them just as I would a worm bin?
The amount of worms you find is relative to the health of the soil.
People think they can buy 1,000 Red Wigglers and throw them in the garden and have great soil. Wrong!
If the soil is not healthy many of those worms, or possibly most will die.
If the soil has a healthy food web the population would be greater than that already.
Depending on the type of worm-red wiggler is a very broad term- and the amount of organic matter, they may or may not thrive.

At the very least they will become excellent fertilizer as their bodies decay.
Yea these are a earth worm type. My thought was buy 2 med cartons of bait worms and call it good..My gardan is a 6 foot dia kiddie pool. So no point in getting crazy.. This fall I will add leave and waste food and what happens happens..
I actually use a kiddie pool and several other bins to recycle all my spent soil from my potted plants. I always have a bunch of worms this way,and usually only add some organic amendments and add lots of coffee grounds,banana peels as well as other veggie peelings and let the worms go to work and do what there supposed to.Worms are hermaphrodites,so they multiply fairly easy when given the right environment.
Yea I am going to add coffee grounds tomorrow from the house..Now should i do like a news paper layer over the worm food ? And treat it as a worm bin of sorts.