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Regal Peppers - FYI

I had a nice surprise in the mail today - I already got my "free" seeds from Regal since I posted their link on a FISHING site no less and sent them the shipping costs as requested. Anyway, I sent them an email that I had received the free seeds and thanked them. I simply mentioned that I linked their site to a bonafide pepper forum (didn't mention which one) and hoped that they might get some interest.

They sent me some Bolivian Rainbow seeds on their dime as a result.

Anyway, I WILL definitely keep everyone informed about the Datils, Caribbean Reds, and Bolivian Rainbow as they grow. Since I've been growing peppers now for about 17 years, I am extremely sensitive about quality sources and want to help steer others to reputable sources.

Hello all.

My name is Wade with Regal Peppers. I was invited to this board by Bob, and wanted to take a few seconds and address some of the comments in this thread. There's no great conspiracy going on, and I hope you'll find that all of your questions have perfectly reasonable answers. I'll just take them in order that I can remember from the thread, and add any later if I miss something.

As Pepper Joe pointed out, we are not affiliated with him or his business. We're not the same person. However, when we first started raising anything other than Datil Peppers, we purchased our entire line of seeds from him due to his reputation, and when we started selling the seeds on line, since we didn't know a single thing about Charleston Hot Peppers or some of the other species, I copied or paraphrased the descriptions from his catalog. Over the years, I guess I have been too lazy to go back and re-edit the pages. Particularly since his descriptions were accurate. If I have offended him or anyone else, I apologize. He was the leading source of information for Charleston Hot or Tasmanian Habanero at the time we ordered the seeds. It's that simple.

Our State of Florida Corporation is The Mudbug Farm. Our St Johns County business license is The Mudbug Farm operating as Regal Peppers. No mystery there.

Our farm lease was at 2555 Joe Ashton Road, but our business license only allowed internet and wholesale sales, no on site retail, so we did not allow visitors to the property. We lost our land lease on Jan 1st, so we really do not know what 2011 holds for us, other than the seed stock we have from 2010 and the few plants we have growing here at our home for ourselves. It does absolutely destroy everything we were doing with Datil peppers though!!! If anyone wants to drive by the address, that's between you and the land owner. I have no connection with it any longer. :-(

We charge an arm and a leg for international shipping for the fact that the customs declarations forms for international agriculture are time consuming. We won't ship internationally without declaring the seeds, and we feel our time and effort is worth compensation. I apologize if some people think we're too high on shipping, but others will understand.

jolokia_jas... I'm really not sure what you mean with your post: "Hmmm... If I had the time or patients to post on any/every website I came across I'd have them out of business in a weekend!" What harm are we doing to you that you would wish us out of business??

The "Free Seeds Hyperlink" promo was absolutely, shamelessly copied from Pepper Joe's newsletter that he put out a year ago or so. He offered a drawing for 25 people out of everyone who posted a hyperlink back to his page, he would choose seeds to send. Let me be the first to kneel down with my head to his boot tips and recognize the sheer genius of the move. We simply expanded it to everyone who cared to post a link, and we let you pick your own species. If anyone here is still not quite sure of the value, I can ASSURE YOU that when the rest of the gardeners in the world are posting NATURAL backlinks to your webpage, the Google rank is affected very positively! His idea was brilliant, and I only apprenticed under a master.

We are a husband and wife team with full time jobs and 3 teenage children at home. We don't make a living selling seeds, but we make enough pocket change to buy a night out once every six months. We enjoy the plants for the sake of the plants and pick seeds out by hand. It's labor intensive and keeps the kitchen full of "to do" peppers for months.

As near as I can tell, we have a positive reputation from the customers we have around the world, because we're not trying to harm anyone, and we do the best we can to go above and beyond to keep people happy. We send more seeds than we advertise, and we give seeds away. We trade with anyone who is interested and do our best to just live moral satisfying lives.

I hope all of you are well and happy, and I hope I've put the mystery of Regal Peppers in a new light. We can all use Google Adword analyzer... There are hundreds of thousands of queries each month for pepper seeds. There is enough business to go around for all of us small farmers. All I'm looking for is the couple nights a year out on the town that Regal Peppers buys for me.

Thanks for your patience with a long post.

I've attached a photo from part of last June as the years Datil crop was picking up, just to give an idea of where our heart truly is... Enjoy.

Thanks for the clarificaion Regal Peppers.

Your post has cleared up our little mystery...I guess everyone loves a good ole conspiracy. :rofl:

Hey Gang,
A customer and THP member just sent me a link to this page.
It's been a YEAR since this was posted...then it got REAL quiet.
Any comments a year later?
Having a Blast in 2012....business is awesome!
Fiery Regards,
Pepper Joe
:onfire: :) :onfire: :) :onfire: :)