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Regarding Pro Mix

So I never invested in pro mix because 80$ for soil sounded crazy. Lo and behold I find there is a 3.8ft all purpose option for 14$ and apparently this stuff near doubles in size when you open it. Go figure...

So my question is, is the all purpose version good enough? I have nutes, beneficial, etc. So could I blend those into the all purpose as opposed to buying the fancy versions? My big problem at the moment is drainage and air so I really need something to lighten everything up.

A lot of people just add some more perilite to the plain Promix to get more drainage. I've only used the BX so I'm just relaying what I've heard other people say about the plain mix.
To me the plain ProMix seemed too light which dried out too quickly for me. I mixed it with some Ocean Forrest and plain Fertilome to give it the right "feel" for me. The next guy may feel differently. I liked the price and quantity and  it seems to be a good product. Basically I used it to stretch my usage of OF which has goodies in it. The American plain ProMix  has no fertilizer like the Canadian mix does. Since I used 6 large bags of potting soil I needed to dilute the price down from buying 6 bags of OF. To answer your question it should lighten things up.
I only use the Promix HP. Have not tried the basic mix. I would add 25% perlite to it, then whatever fertilizers, and some dolomite lime and away you go!
This is my current mix using Promix HP - my mixes change as I feel the plants need.
I use the Pro Mix HP, but have recently bought a bag of Promix BX and will be switching to that shortly to test it out.
When I use the Promix, right now I am adding a lot of things to it and my plants are better than ever. Of course, I am still adjusting, but I like what is happening so far!
I mix a large portion of promix HP as a base, something like 40%. Then add the rest:
Lava rock
dolomite lime
humic acid
alfalfa meal
kelp meal
blood meal
bone meal
oyster shell powder
epson salt
bat guanos 
20% worm castings
about 10% compost
and about 10% FFOF straight out of the bag
All of the amendments are in small amounts. Some VERY small amounts like the sulfur, for example, are done in pinches instead of hand fulls or cups.
I mix everything in small quantities (regular sized storage tote from hardware store) and nothing is actually measured. I go strictly by feel and experience.
PS: this is my hobby so the extra work of adding everything is simply fun for me, not work.
....Oh, and no signs of burning at all, just happy vigorous growth.
A note I should have stated in my above post: I am only using this mix I described in 3 1/2" nursery pots that my plants go into after the seedling trays. I'm not growing long term in it. If I was, my mix or my opinion may be different. I grow in ground. I just thought some clarification was in order. 
I used the regular promix like you are asking about, it has perlite in it but I added just a little bit extra and that's it. I recommend mixing in some lime as well. I had PH lock issues but that may have been due to using hydro nutes to water with which are in the 5.5 ph range. I just add a little lime to my water when i feed and it keeps it corrected. 
Other than that I didn't add anything extra but I have to feed every other watering because it is an inert media.... but so is the HP
D3monic said:
I used the regular promix like you are asking about, it has perlite in it but I added just a little bit extra and that's it. I recommend mixing in some lime as well. I had PH lock issues but that may have been due to using hydro nutes to water with which are in the 5.5 ph range. I just add a little lime to my water when i feed and it keeps it corrected. 
Other than that I didn't add anything extra but I have to feed every other watering because it is an inert media.... but so is the HP
Yah I added some perlite just because I am paranoid about drainage since I basically transplanted from mud. I also add a little mycos/light fert to the hole as well.