repairing broken off branch

 branch just broke off my jalapeno plant while I was moving the pot around for a watering. It had two unripe peppers on it and numerous flowers. Can I reattach it or am I just sol?
you can try to cut the end clean and pack some soil around the end you might get a cutting and start a new plant but probably guna lose the pods
If the branch is completely broken there is nothing you can do. If still partially attached use some tape and tape up the branch. Last yr I haf to use duct tape on a branch. If its completely broken you can put it in the soil like threehundred said
if you do put it in soil cut the flowers and peppers off so it wont put its energy into the peppers and you could also put the branch in water until roots come out then in soil 
You can't just plop it in soil it has to be in very high humidity place as there is no roots to take water from so it needs to absorb water through the leaves and I prefer to put them in a place with very little light thats what works best for me
I used a piece of masking tape 3 weeks ago. Its still there and making flowers now.
It will try to bend off, layer more and more till it is a thick piece of tape and cant bend.
Stuck it in a glass of water in my kitchen and will transplant in soil if I get some roots. Pinched off fruit and flowers as well

It snapped into two. I tried to tape the two pieces. But one came off the other is barely hanging on but it's alive.