Reply post button using ipad

Posting from within a topic, nothing happens when I hit reply button. Have to go into more reply options to get it to work. Not an issue when on the PC. Anyone else having this issue?

Also, when not logged in, get a cancel/submit popup when I navigate back to a prior page.

Neither is a major issue, just annoying.
Posting from within a topic, nothing happens when I hit reply button. Have to go into more reply options to get it to work. Not an issue when on the PC. Anyone else having this issue?

Also, when not logged in, get a cancel/submit popup when I navigate back to a prior page.

Neither is a major issue, just annoying.

Sorry I can't help, do you mean the "Quote" button? I just did with this post on MiPad. No issues... Hmmm
No issues with the edit stuff either. I am using the iPad 2. You?
Using Android device and never have that issue. There is a "reply to this topic" box I just type in and then hit post. Or the quote tab Scovie mentioned. Are you using the app? Mobile site? I always use full site on my phone and it works like a champ.
Post button that one hits to reply to a topic.

Ipad 2, full web site. No issue on my iphone using the mobile site.

Edit: Did not have a problem posting this response. However on the day that I posted the original thread, I definitely could not post simply by hitting the "post" button. Had to go into the "more reply options" to actuate post. I experienced this in several different threads that I was responding to at the time.

Using full web site and safari browser. Since no one else seems to be having an issue, maybe it "was just my imagination run'in away with me" (to steal an old Temptations song line). Again, not really a big deal, but was a little annoyed at the time.
Please clarify.

Okay. Ipad. Mobile site. Post button. Browser?
Clear your cache and it should fix.