Repotting Bhuts.

Quick update..Repotted them in an 80 Liter pot.. It hasn't grown much since then..Is that because its full of pods?
Anyway.. Look like orange habs after all..Any other ID?
Tried one..Not that hot at all..Good flavour though.
I hate to be a downer. They certainly don't look like bhut's to me. Also probably setting new roots in the new pots rather than doing much up top.

If you'd like, PM me an address and I can send you some red bhut jolokia seed.

Thanks Blister.. Do you realize,I live in the Philippines?? Lol.. Not sure how much postage is or how I could refund you.. I guess I could send you some of the seeds from these Habs..
Anyway..Its really good of you to offer man...Really appreciated. I`ll PM you soon.
I know you're in the Phillipines. People here were gracious enough to send me seed from a different country free of charge when my seed didn't grow true. I would like to do the same. No guarantee that they'll make it through though.
