local board intrest the vic chili man brough home alot of hardware from the event
peoples choice
3rd place show
1st place restraunt
most money raised(john hare award)
if i got anything wrong there vic let me know...my head is still fuzzy from the bubba margaritas that dana introduced me to.
i placed 9th in Texas style i tell ya folks top 10 in texas style this year was a feat....there were 40 cooks including the international champion her mom and dad (who have been cooks for like 30 years) 2 or 3 tanglewood winners.......this was not a weak feild at all....i was pleased with 9th. my son came in 1st place in the junior division (seems like its the most juniors we have also had)
i was so proud of him
the picture jonathan is kinda to the left with his arm out looking like a moron(like father like son) im the fat guy in the cowboy hat holding 2 trophies) and vic is like in the middle looking like he is having a seizure......just kidding vicster.
last but not least the super bubba fun show was the 1st place winner in showmanship going up against dr chili made 1st place extra nice this year...hes good folks.....if we ever teamed up and came up with a idea to go to texas on we would take small show.
the guy near the front older man named george doggett this is a super nice guy and i was glad to see him win after i placed 9th...if you can imagine going into this cook off he had 1 point ............1 point....a 8th place finish in october of last year...the next 4 or 5 cookoffs nada......nothing nothing nothing no points and then............bam wins the state championship
go figure.
this top 10 gives me 5 points need 4 more....
oh well next stop spencer
oh funny thing they announced the winner of the katos hot sauce and i saw the prizes go by all day long and everyone was so thrilled to have there hot sauces..but the kato pack the guy next to me won it and he was like a kid in a candy shop he was talking about how much he couldnt wait until he tried his hot sauces out.