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review [Review] Fire Foods 'Woody's Reserve' - Bih Jolokia Sauce

The first thing I noticed about the sauce when I opened the package was the color - a deep brown color. not the color of your average sauce.
It was also seemed to be quite liquid, and all of that before even opening the bottle.
It did say "Made with the HOTTEST chilli in the world", so that got my attention.
Immediately looked at the back of the bottle for ingredients, which were:
Fruit Juice, Carrot, Vinegar, Black Treacle Chilli (11.9%), Mustard (water, mustard seed, spirit vinegar, salt), water, Bih Jolokia Chilli powder
Opened the bottle and took a good sniff. it smelled surprisingly sweet, but not like candy, more like a kind of fruit (for me a fig or maybe a date).
Needless to say it made me hungry (a good quality in a sauce).
I work a lot of hours on the computer every day, so a good sauce for me is one that goes well in a sandwich.
Didn't take me long to get two slices of bread and more than enough slices of pastrami ready.
The sauce appeared liquid as it looked at first, as it needed no help getting out of the bottle. not even a little tap.
Despite the liquid nature of this sauce, it was very thick (like a sauce should be).
When I took a bite, the first thing that hit me was the amazingly not pepper-like flavor. did not expect it, but liked it.
It has a unique fruity flavor, again somewhat like a fig or a date (likely has to do with the first ingredient - 'Fruit Juice').
As soon as I felt the great and rich flavor, it got hot.
Not a lot of people will admit it, but keeping the natural heat in a sauce is a difficult task, even with the hottest chile in the world.
This sauce has the goods. the heat is decent even for the diehard chilehead.
More than decent (like SMOKING HOT) for the average person.


For calculation, 'Woody's Reserve' has it all! from the great, rich and unique flavor, thickness and the ease of using it, to the blazing heat of the 'Bih Jolokia' ingredient.

Gets a 10/10 in my scale.

Click here to see the sauce's page on 'firefoods.co.uk'
I'm the sandwich king, and this is my kingdom!




And that's how easy it is to eat a third of a bottle in one little snack. :lol:

BTW it seems like I forgot to mention the type of heat it has.
Well, the heat is mainly located at the back of the mouth, and the upper gums.
Cheers Guys,
if you let it sit for a month its even hotter, glad you all like it, i'm hoping to send some to kato for his comp.( If i get 5 mins)
stillmanz said:
thats were the bhut nagas get me the gums and back teeth and tongue... weird how it hits certain areas.

Not too weird, actually... the free nerve endings, which are located just below the skin and are relatively concentrated in the mouth (and other mucous membranes, which will remain unnamed for reasons of civility), register pain and "heat". They are located at different depths in different areas of the mouth. So even though one pepper might feel just as hot as another, they can hit different parts of the mouth depending on which free nerve endings are most receptive to their particular "hotness". ...if that makes sense...