review Review of the 7-pot burgundy - delicious pepper!!!

This is another pepper from Brian at and one i`ve been looking forward to. I wanted to grow this one in 2013, but didn`t have any seedlings survive the spring. Ah well, next year. 
I loved this pepper. Great flavour, good heat and all around excellent performer. I found it a little different to other 7-pots I`ve eaten in that it had quite thick, juicy walls and a much rounder, milder 7-pot flavour. It was also a little less hot than most red or brown 7-pots.
Nicely done Nigel.  I bought seeds from Judy for this one and your review makes me happy I did.  I'm looking forward to growing this one next year.
Nigel said:
When the 5th or 6th book came out my niece and nephew dragged me to the midnight fancy dress book-going-on-sale thing at some bookstore. I was forced to go as Hagrid and won a fancy dress prize. sigh!!!
Sorry buddy, had to! Good review, Nigel!
Tried one of these with my pizza this evening...
I must say; out of all the peppers I have tried so far, this one is my new crowned favorite in terms of taste. This plant will definitely be over-wintered, and I will be keeping seeds should anyone decide they want to give it a try.
Heat-wise? No, it's not a douglah or brain-strain. It lives up to its 7-pod heritage, but no one is going to confuse it for the world's hottest any time soon. Of course, we can eat a different pepper if we want to burn our tastebuds off for the day! That's why we have a garden and not just a single plant. It still packs a punch, but it won't chuck norris round-house kick your mouth around with spurs on.
If you want an awesome tasting pod, put this one on your 2014 grow-list!