Reviewer requested for hot sauces/spicy fare

I guess this post falls into this category since it's about reviews, but not a review of a particular product.

The Hot Zone Online is looking to add another writer who specifically would like to write some reviews of hot sauces, salsas, etc. We have a lot of writers listed with us, but we only ask that people contribute when they have the time to write. IGG and Chuk Hell have been reviewers with us for quite a while, but we need someone else to help take up some slack and help review the world of products we have coming at us on any given day.

The only caveat is that you can't be a professional sauce-maker or other industry person who makes their living on these products. We've tried to maintain a sense of integrity about what we do, and we can't have the conflict-of-interest that comes when manufacturers review their competition in the marketplace.

That said, if you have a creative bent, passable grammar, and love hot sauces & spicy stuff, contact us thru our blog...which you can find the URL in the signature to this post. A lot of you probably come by to read our stuff already, and for that we say thanks. :)

- Joe
Hey, Joe and Linda.

Long time, no talk to. I'll try to send you a review from time to time....

When I take study breaks (got into med school....yeah!) I spend the time trying hot sauces. If I can help, I will be happy to.

Wrote you an email to your contact address on the hot zone.
staffing said:
Hey, Joe and Linda.

Long time, no talk to. I'll try to send you a review from time to time....

When I take study breaks (got into med school....yeah!) I spend the time trying hot sauces. If I can help, I will be happy to.



Congrats on getting accepted to med school! Where did you get accepted? Feel free to PM me on this.

- Joe