event Rib Cookoff

Bubba, isn't there a couple pho-tos of you without a shirt at the redneck olympics you could send to tinner and the Mrs. They could get a real side by naked side view of you and the son-in-law! Hey, maybe this could be your new theme at the cook off! Naturalist Chiii. Be butt naked cept for some stategically placed fig leaves or peppers taped to yourself. Just thinkin!
(Hope this one isn't too obvious)

Well I guess we know how you'll be stirring the chili!

Ya ta ta ta ta ta, ya ta ta ta ta ta yadda dadda da daaaa da dum dum!
chiliman said:
(Hope this one isn't too obvious)

Well I guess we know how you'll be stirring the chili!

Ya ta ta ta ta ta, ya ta ta ta ta ta yadda dadda da daaaa da dum dum!

No, no, no, no, no!!! He said NO peppers in the nether regions!!!
