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smoking ribs on vacation

hey guys (i'll try to keep this short)

I'm going on vaca in a few weeks (fishing for a few days) and would like to make ribs. however, taking the smoker would really be a big pain in the rear. if i smoked them before hand and then took them with - would be turn out good reheating them on a grill?? I have access to a charcoal Weber grill (it's the silver i believe - all the cabins have one). what if i made them and then froze them, thawed them out and then reheated on the grill?

i guess I could take the thermometer out of my smoker, bring it with, and just indirect grill them over charcoal huh? what's the difference if I indirect vs smoking them? any?

thanks guys.

i do them both ways... cook then reheat

but you have a weber...lots of good ribs have been made on them... pile charcoal on one side meat on the other...smoke away

indirect is smoking(BBQ) IMHO
I would fully smoke them, and pack them in dry ice. They will be great reheated directly on the grill, or however you reheat them.


I'd do them there, indirect (works on small grills too).
Not to change directions...b.u.t....I went of an ATV trip to Wayne National Forest last month and found a cool recipe for BBQ ribs cooked in a slow cooker. Yes, you read it right, ribs in a slow cooker. Well, I was skeptical too but my wife, who also rides, wanted to give it a try and I must say I was impressed enough that I saved the recipe. If you're interested I could send it to you.
I used to have that problem and I'll be going camping in a few weeks as well. The best solution I found was to get a WSM smoker! It comes apart to fit in a small box and makes a MEAN rack of short ribs. Plus it doubles as a grill so I do almost all the cooking on it. Picture fresh smoked rainbow trout that was still kicking when it hit the grill!! Need I say more?
LGHT said:
Picture fresh smoked rainbow trout that was still kicking when it hit the grill!! Need I say more?

Ahhh...All I need would be an oil can of Fosters and a good o'l campfire and I would be in heaven!
I think the best ribs for a slow cooker (crock pot) are beef shirt ribs. You can make a beef short rib stew with fresh ginger and spices that falls of the bone. For the grill/smoker though, I like pork ribs.
The recipe that I tried called for Country Style Pork ribs. It also called and had a recipe for making the bbq sauce that they cook it. I gotta say, they were good. But next time, I'm making them just for me. That way I can add my own seasoning to kick them up a bit and I know that my wife won't touch them then. :P

Hey THP, maybe we could do a slow cooker/crockpot cookoff sometime. It would probably be good and could be fun once the weather turns bad.
I don't know if this qualifies as on topic, but I am going on vacation this weekend too. I am going to try to do some decent food on an unfamiliar gas grill and an unfamiliar (and don't know how well stocked) kitchen. So far the menu includes marinated pork tenderloin, and grilled salmon. Also going to try to pick up some local crabs. Should be interesting.
Pepperfreak said:
Hey THP, maybe we could do a slow cooker/crockpot cookoff sometime. It would probably be good and could be fun once the weather turns bad.

What's a crockpot? Is that the funny pot that you plug with a glass lid that you cook rice in?
No, that's a rice cooker. A crock pot is for slow cooking.
Ohh ok it's the big black iron pot that you hang across the branch on an open fire. Yeah I can see how those would make a good batch of ribs cowboy style.
No, that's not a crock pot. You plug it in and it slow cooks.
thehotpepper.com said:
No, that's not a crock pot. You plug it in and it slow cooks.

So all this over an electrical cooker? How on earth is anyone comparing ribs cooked in an electrical anything over ribs cooked slow and low over wood for hours? Heck might was well just boil them in water. The only advantage I could see is the meat comes out tender, but texture is no wear near as important as taste. I just don't get how rice cooker ribs are even in the same post. :(
I didn't suggest it. I BBQ ribs. Short ribs make a nice stew though. It's different than BBQ, it's an Asian dish. Short ribs slow cooked in a sauce with ginger and spices. Eats like a different style beef stew on the bone. Not BBQ.
I don't think I've tried it, but if it's cooked in a pot that you plug in i'm sure it would have a stew or chili type texture which seems far from any type of BBQ i've ever had.
It ain't BBQ!!! I already said this. Ribs does not mean BBQ it's just a cut of meat. It's a stew of sorts.
Here, similar to this. It was just a suggestion for ribs another way.
ok ladies, have a pulled pork sammie

there are many ways to cook ribs whether beef,pork,lamb or whatever..no way is right, no way is wrong

i am as everybody knows BBQ everything but my favorite way for beef ribs is not from the smoker, its cooked in a pressure cooker, asian style...

i like ribs done in a slow cooker as well, when i cook them this way, i am not looking for the smokey taste. i also cook pulled pork in the crockpot/slow cooker. it all depends on the flavor i am looking for..

if anybody wants recipes for what i am talking about, just let me know and i will post them. food is food, if its good, enjoy it no matter how it is cooked...

there everybody can have another PP sammie..lol
Exactly! Check the recipe I posted, it's similar to the way I like them too... gotta have the ginger for me.