ripening off the plant

I have a Trinidad moruga scorpion which is slowing down in a major way and I plan to prune it back and bring it inside and then replant next spring.  I have about 20 orange peppers on it but they are ripening really slowly now and temperatures are dropping here in NC.  Is there any trick to getting them to ripen that last little bit after I pick them?  I put a few orange ones in a sunny windowsill but they don't appear to be reddening.
xhasti said:
I have a Trinidad moruga scorpion which is slowing down in a major way and I plan to prune it back and bring it inside and then replant next spring.  I have about 20 orange peppers on it but they are ripening really slowly now and temperatures are dropping here in NC.  Is there any trick to getting them to ripen that last little bit after I pick them?  I put a few orange ones in a sunny windowsill but they don't appear to be reddening.
I grew Trinidad scorpions butch T this past summer I would check when you planted and cleck when's seed should turn I got plenty of them that were red but without the temp at 70 far it will be touch and go the internet says bring them in before frost hits and use light to get 70 degree temp. They will wilt when it frost.heres some I caned[/URL]
Good luck watch the frost

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xhasti said:
I have a Trinidad moruga scorpion which is slowing down in a major way and I plan to prune it back and bring it inside and then replant next spring.  I have about 20 orange peppers on it but they are ripening really slowly now and temperatures are dropping here in NC.  Is there any trick to getting them to ripen that last little bit after I pick them?  I put a few orange ones in a sunny windowsill but they don't appear to be reddening.
Here's some I caned that did not get turned red.(Trinidad Scorpion Butch "T" hot peppers 1,500,000, to 2,000,000 Scotsville units of heat.
Good luck.

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Put them all in a paper bag with an old banana peel. Wrap up tight and rotate for a week. Most of them should ripen up.

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I cut off a foot of branch with an orange scorpion that still had a spot of green on it. I put it in a pitcher of water and set it in a south facing window a week or so ago. It's fully red ripe now.
All my Trinidad scorpion Butch T s turned to red from green to orange then the brightest red with the tail 2, million scotsville heat man they look coll growing naturally knowing you can use them for the best pepper spray¡!!!!!!!?!!?!!!!

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