• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

RocketMan and Kids Veggie and Herb Garden

I'll start with the bad news and end on the good news. Bad news is that, that Beeotch Debbie kill off my Zuccinni, Yellow Squash, Black Krim Tomatoes and Green Beans :(

Now for the Good News, everything else is growing like gang busters.


With babies

Burpie big Boy Tomatoes


Basil and mint in the background

Replacement Black Krim Tomatoes in pots

I didn't grab a shot of it but my Rosemary is still kicking it out like crazy. I'll have to take one tonight.

The kids are still interested but only when I mention it and not so much as to go out and help weed or water or anything. The one time I did let them do some watering it became more of a squirt gun (water hose) fight. Lots of fun but dad still had to go back and water the plants.

Have a great weekend everyone, thanks for stoping by for a look.
Thanks for the update! I've been wondering how your non-pepper stuff was doing.

My kids are the same way. They love the planting/sowing, and the harvesting. The stuff in between that ... not so much, LOL!
Hi Bonnie, yeah kids are funny. What I'd really like to do is get a couple of old whiskey barrel halves, drill the bottoms for drainage and use thm to grow strawberris and Husk Cherries. I think the kids would have alot of fun getting to go out and scrounge for berries. I have some strawberry seeds but haven't found any Husk Cherry seeds. Plus thay'd make a really nice looking addition to the deck.

Gosh, I just took a look back at those pictures. I really have to stop using my IPhone or stop trying to zoom in for a close shot. My real camera a Kodak Point and shoot but I just found an extention tube and filterset that they make for it and one is for close ups so at just over $20 I ordered it. Now I just need to find where I put my old Tripod from when I had a real camera, this time meaning one that took film. Guess it's time for a trip to the storage shed.
Hi Bonnie, yeah kids are funny. What I'd really like to do is get a couple of old whiskey barrel halves, drill the bottoms for drainage and use thm to grow strawberris and Husk Cherries. I think the kids would have alot of fun getting to go out and scrounge for berries. I have some strawberry seeds but haven't found any Husk Cherry seeds. Plus thay'd make a really nice looking addition to the deck.

Gosh, I just took a look back at those pictures. I really have to stop using my IPhone or stop trying to zoom in for a close shot. My real camera a Kodak Point and shoot but I just found an extention tube and filterset that they make for it and one is for close ups so at just over $20 I ordered it. Now I just need to find where I put my old Tripod from when I had a real camera, this time meaning one that took film. Guess it's time for a trip to the storage shed.
Hi Bill
We've got lots of husk cherries here... want me to gather some up and save the seeds for you? Cheers
Man, that would bw great! Thanks I had some dried ones that the kiddies ate up like raisens and loved them. I wasn't sure how they're dried so I didn't bother saving any seeds out of them. Can't wait to see how they like them fresh off the bush.
WOOOOOO HOOOOOO finally got my first harvest.


Anh, the kids we're excited! Now I just need to get some tomatoes and a sweet onion and well a few extra Okra and see how they like that. Personally I love it. Especially with some pepper sauce. :)
WOOOOOO HOOOOOO finally got my first harvest.
Anh, the kids we're excited! Now I just need to get some tomatoes and a sweet onion and well a few extra Okra and see how they like that. Personally I love it. Especially with some pepper sauce. :)
Hi Bill
Good on ya! I love okra myself, but my wife and family aren't fans. I think it's because they've only had it canned or frozen since it needs a longer growing season than we have here in Yankee land. I think it's much better fresh. I love Gumbo made with a well-browned roux!
Well, the kids went out to play this morning and within 5 minutes came running back in yelling Daddy, Daddy, come and look. The Okra plant had a beautiful bloom on it.

Also got to pick a little Basil and started it drying

That's bout it. have a great week.
Is that seriously an Okra bloom? Beautiful! Who knew?

Unless it's it's not. Then never mind.

Awesome looking garden any way Rock-it-Man. Glad the kids are still with it!
Hi Bill
Yeah, it surprised me too when I grew Okra last year. I wasn't sure if it was because I tried to grow them in New England, but they were pretty scraggly looking. I only had 4 plants and got a handful of pods from them before the frost finished them off. I do love it as a vegetable though... better fresh than canned or frozen... I think the secret behind a great gumbo is taking the time to really develop a good brown roux and adding the okra towards the end to avoid overcooking it.
Yeah Scovie, I have never seen an Okra bloom before either and within may be a couple of hours it was closed up and kind of just there which maybe the reason I've never seen one before. The kids just happened to notice it while it was open and I was able to snap a shot.

stickman I do believe you are right and it's a narrow line between a nice dark brown roux and a burnt roux.

Kiddc I like to clip them when they're about an inch and a half to two inches and about half inch accross. The one pictured above is 1 1/2 inches long.
I've picked 9 Okra now and the plant is loaded for Bear, not that guy, and ready to give me more.


There's 2 more branches that look like this too.

My Burpie Big Boy is getting big but so far no blooms :( And I want some Dang it!


I was able to revive the kids plants and now they're getting some blooms

Here's Nichalous's string bean


and Savanna's Lima Bean


Thanks for stoping by, have a great weekend.
I thought of your kids, and your plans to plant things they can nibble on right off the plant, like strawberries and ground cherries this morning while I was watching my two younger ones stand on patio chairs to pick grapes off the vines. They have already eaten most of the ones growing at their level. They were shoveling them in their little mouths as fast as they could. You would've thought they were candy!
nice grow.... my veggies.. are pretty much done.. so hot here in socal.... trimmed the leaves on the maters due to spidermites... same with the eggplants....okra harvested 4.... hahahah.. bitter melons are a fail again this year.... got 3 artichokes...pulled out all the cukes tomatillos didnt do anything.....

deng peppers consumed all my time..lol... keep it up