• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

RocketMan's 2015 Part II, A New Begining

So my first Glog ended kind of abruptly in January. Apologizes to those who were following for not posting up anything about what was up. To say the least we've had one heck of a year in the 5 months since then. The best part is welcoming our newest Grandchild A.J.


It's also been a rough 5 months for our little ones. As some of you know we adopted our 2 youngsters back in 2012 and in the time since then have made a lot of progress in their healing from the "stuff" and their bio put them through. This year though it's shown us that they're not as far along as we really thought they were, hurting other kids, teachers and property in school a big part of it, and that they need more from us than they have been getting.  So, after a lot of talks, consideration and prayers we have made some really big decisions. First, Mary has put in her resignation and yes, she is the major income in the family, to go along with this we've put the Launch Pad on the market. We can live on my income we just need to downsize to do it. With the problems they had last year in school we've decided to home school them for the next year or two. They'll still get out and be around other kids, scouts, church and functions held by local home school support groups will help with that. Most of all it will give us the time to work directly with them more. To teach them and help them in working through all the fears and demons that continue to haunt them. Your prayers, good Karma and thoughts will be greatly appreciated as we head into this.
Now, the Garden has been on hold so I haven't started on any of the raised beds or anything. I do have some peppers going though. Only problem there is none of them seem to be what I thought they were :)
So, these first 4 were supposed to be MOA Scotch Bonnets
This one has given me some peppers that are small and really almost white

Yeah, not an MOASB shaped pepper there.

Close up, any ideas?

No idea, but hopefully those blooms will develop into some peppers.

This one too has some peppers.

bad pic but they were supposed to be yellow.

These are supposed to be Fataliis. Haven't had any peppers yet so can't tell yet. Dang Florida sun hasn't been very nice.

Supposed to be a Fatalii up front and a Douglah in the back

Hopefully we'll get some peppers on them and get to see what they really are. I gave them a bit of Fish Ferts last night and have been thinking maybe i'd give them each a teaspoon or so of Epsom Salts but the jury's still out on that one.
Thanks for stopping by and taking a look. Any thoughts about the plants are always welcome. We're on the downhill slide into the weekend so have a great one y'all.
Been out of sorts fro a bit so it's been a while since I was last in here. Surgery on my left thumb to fix the bone on bone in the base joint last Wednesday and dang if yesterday I don't break the 4th Metatarsal in my right foot  :doh: Well... at least I got a nice little harvest yesterday also.

Hopin y"all are having a great week!
Tha hand will affect it more than the foot. The foot will only enhance my ability to give someone a well placed boot

Got another nice little harvest last night and something I wasn't expecting.


Looks like a Chocolate Scotch Bonnet to me


More ripping too but not all have that bonnet shape


The little stem that could is even getting pods now


Plus the 2 plants that have been growing like crazy are podding up now. I have no idea what they might be though.


Overall everything's looking great and my Aji Lemon kicking it.


Guess I'll need to figure out a new sauce to feature them

Thanks for stopping by for a look, I'm hoping to get out into the glogs this week. See ya in the gardens
