beer RocketMan's BrewLog

Mead bottled and tasting good at 14% ABV


And the Tudor Sage Ale


The three different labels. Made 6 bottles and a 5 gallon keg.


Cheers Y'all
Man, for me that's half the fun of home brewing. Coming up with a funny name and a label to match makes sharing it with friends more fun. There's nothing like hearing your buddy as for another Funky Swamp Water and going on about how great it is.
When I initially put together the label for the Tudor Ale I had started a side panel with 
"In days of Old when Knights were Bold
and all good men were thirsty"
but then couldn't think of anything that wasn't too off color to finish it with.
RocketMan said:
Man, for me that's half the fun of home brewing. Coming up with a funny name and a label to match makes sharing it with friends more fun. There's nothing like hearing your buddy as for another Funky Swamp Water and going on about how great it is.
When I initially put together the label for the Tudor Ale I had started a side panel with 
"In days of Old when Knights were Bold
and all good men were thirsty"
but then couldn't think of anything that wasn't too off color to finish it with.
I have a confession, I'm 38 yo and I've made it though working w/ computers since I was 15 yo w/o having to learn how to print labels for myself, or customers - sometimes I had to come up w/ quite elaborate excuses, too, but I managed ...
Seriously, I can't recall how many customers used to call and tell me they were having trouble in one way or another printing labels ... hundreds.
I'll try, though ... or at least I'll give them a name, anyways! ...
PS - I happen to be listening to the 8/4/05 podcast on Mead this morning ... listening to these in chrono order while I work ...
With the party fast approaching I'm no where near ready to start building the keezer so I'm going to be using my portable rig.


And I just realized I have them connected totally backward, black is liquid not gas

Now I picked this up a while back


It's an adapter that allows me to use Paintball tanks with the regulator. Yesterday I found these.


They're 90 gram CO2 carterages and yep there's an adapter that allows you to use them for paintball


So, now I can set up the regulator to push out both the Tudor Ale and the Cider for the party. That takes it up to 10 gallons of home brewed goodness along with the 4 bottles of Mead

Now I just need to find a plastic tub if enough and deep enough to hold 2 cornys and ice to keep them cold. Might find a new trash can that will do the trick.
I think you can 'jockey box' an Igloo for this purpose, right? ... but probably more PITA than necessary ...

We *did* have jockey boxes in Gainesville, when I was "in school" ... LOL.
HTH, with the kegs warm you get a ton of foam anyways. When Inhad a keg with this setup in the fridge and everything was cold foam was not a problem. The kegs and faucets will be properly iced for the party.

Pulled the first properly carbonated pint of Tudor Sage Ale tonight. Was very interesting too. Properly bittered by the sage and a full nose of sage. Flavor was not as malty as I had read it would be nor as sweet as a lot say. I was also expecting a more full. I died brew than what it is. While the sage was on the nose from the start the sage flavor was more on the after taste and it was really cool that it had a bite to it as though I'd put a pepper in it.

Neat. It just so happens that I love sage ... and, in fact, was just recently talking about how I'm not cooking anything w/ it at present (and was pining for it) ...
Nice job.
Yep, changed the name and am going to use this thread to log my brewing. To start with I found a 16 cu. ft, YEAH 16! chest freezer for $40.00 on Craig's List and man did I luck out. It's an 8 year old Magic Chef and in mint condition, kept in the house only. Anyways it's now acting as my fermentation chamber though I might use it for my keezer when I build it and find a 7 cu. ft. one for a fermentation chamber. Pictures will be posted tonight. So far I've just plugged it in and started it running and it was freezing nicely last night. Tonight I'm going to put a couple of Ale pales of water in there and set up the controller.
So, here are the first pictures of the new fermentation chamber. Right now though it's set to Keezer temps to chill the 2 kegs in it and cold crash some Mead





Looks like I could easily fit 4 kegs in the bottom and 2 2.5 kegs on the shelf with CO2 and N/CO2 mounted outside. Thinking this is destined to become a Keezer
grantmichaels said:
I'm weighing having a drop of 240V installed in my spare bedroom ...
For an electric brew stand, garage would be a better place to put it I'd think but then my wife is sensitive to smells and boiling hopped wort isn't one of her favorite smells

Ranks right up there with cooking a hot sauce
RocketMan said:
With the party fast approaching I'm no where near ready to start building the keezer so I'm going to be using my portable rig.


And I just realized I have them connected totally backward, black is liquid not gas

Now I picked this up a while back


It's an adapter that allows me to use Paintball tanks with the regulator. Yesterday I found these.


They're 90 gram CO2 carterages and yep there's an adapter that allows you to use them for paintball


So, now I can set up the regulator to push out both the Tudor Ale and the Cider for the party. That takes it up to 10 gallons of home brewed goodness along with the 4 bottles of Mead

Now I just need to find a plastic tub if enough and deep enough to hold 2 cornys and ice to keep them cold. Might find a new trash can that will do the trick.
FYI, this rig worked perfectly. Had to Teflon tape all the connections and one of my kegs is leaking but it worked really well. Now I just have to figure out how to seal the leak on the keg. It's leaking around the big opening and the o ring is a new one. May have to get done food grade silicon grease.
Totally. I prefer it over Guinness, given my druthers ...

I'm going to try to slay tomorrow's work tonight, so I can brew more this weekend ...

I need to get more going ... will have empty fermenters tomorrow, otherwise ...

Like Seinfeld, don't break the chain!