• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

RocketMan's Glog - Starting Second Season

Finally getting around to germinating my seeds to start growing some peppers. I took 14 varities out of the 42 in my seed library (Special thanks to everyone that helped out with seeds) and some of the old pill bottles I had saved (usually that's where I keep the screws I collect when I strip out an old computer system) then added 8 seeds to the bottles and filled with water. Going to let the seeds soak for 24 hours, then place on coffee filters and back into the bottles till its time to plant them. Here's a shot on the bottles:


The 14 I picked are:

1. Peruvian White Hab......................Pic1
2. Jamaican Hot Chocolate...............Pic1
3. Douglah......................................Pic1
4. Fatalii.........................................Pic1
5. Trinidad Scorpion Butch T............Pic1
6. Datil...........................................Pic1
7. Red Savina Hab..........................Pic1
8. Jamaican Red Scotch Bonnet......Pic1
9. Chocolate Hab............................Pic1
10. Black Hab................................Pic1
11. Trinidad Scorpion Yellow...........Pic1
12. 7/Pot Red................................Pic1
13. Bhut Jolokia.............................Pic1
14. No heat Jalapeno.....................FyrDad4
*Thank you Gentlemen

I really wanted to get a nice cross section of heat levels and to grow some peppers that I hear alot of talk about but can't find locally. most of them will be going into sauces however if I happen to get a really good crop of peppers I might have to look into drying some and making some powders. This is the first year that I'm growing peppers from seeds. I've planted Jalapeno and Habs that I picked up from Lowes or Home Depot before but never really done the research and gotten the dirt under my fingers.
I thought about whether to use Peat Pellets or Rock Wool but right now i'm thinking about just going with some good soil or a seed starting mix and I already have a bunch of Red Solo Cups. I'm planning on 6 or 8 holes in the bottom of the cup so I can bottom water them and I might place some up and down the sides so that some air can get in.

I'm really looking forward to this and if it goes good I might even be able to convince the boss to let me take a section of the back yard and put in a garden. Might even put in a flower or 2, well so long as they're edible that is.

Thanks for stopping by and check back I'll be here.

Thanks for stopping by,
Woo-hoo! Tomorrow the days start getting longer!
Hooray for Winter solstice.
And we're still here!

The Cayanetta is a cool little plant, sounds like a winner, allright.
Looking good Bill. Hope you are having a great Christmas as well :fireball:

Hi Bill, wishing you a Merry Christmas from St John, NB, Canada... Hope it's a :hot: one for ya!

Merry Christmas and New Year to you and your family

Thanks, hope all y'all had a great Christmas with a good haul from Santa!

Happy holiday. Great to see your plants decided to act right. Never got to say thanks. Wife won't me open them yet as I already have 10 or so bottles in the fridge.

Edit*** opened bottles

Not the worst of problems to have! :rofl:

Nope, not the worst, but of course you have to have that bottle or 2 to keep at work for lunch, right ;)

Hoping everyone has a really Great New Year and we all get to enjoy a Bountiful new Grow Season!

We finally got some warmer weather in so I got out with the good camera and snapped a few shots.

First is one I can't read the stick on anymore and so I'm not sure exactly what it is any more. I suspect it's a Scorpion Red

This one is labeled as a Datil but I'm afraid that the kids may have switched some sticks around.

This Thai Hot is covered in those little Fire Crackers


Jalapeno has 3 pods on it.

But the Cayenntta is by far the best producer. Mild heat wise but a really great flavor. I'll be collecting seeds off of these.


And yep, finally got off my south side and started getting the new stuff ready

Have a Great New Year everyone and here's to a bountiful grow season too.
