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Rocoto growing recommendations?

The blend, is pretty much what I had around here; composted kitchen scraps, some leftover Miracle Grow Moisture Control, some yard dirt, and some bunny poo...you can see that on the top, but some is mixed in as well. I've been trying this "blend" for several potted peppers, and some seem happy, and others not so... My Trinidad Scorpion isn't looking as good as this Manzano. Maybe too much water or it doesn't like the cooler, overcast weather we've been having; don't know.
That sounds like a healthy mixture. I live in an urban area so I'm just using store bought dirt. Plus, I just started growing peppers last year after getting hooked on Neil's YouTube vid's. Then i searched out a forum to gain some growing tips. Glad I found THP forum :dance:
this thread is making me chuckle a little bit,
the particulars on these are that
popular opinion is these(manzanos, rocotos, or perón chilis) are
one of the "most difficult" chilis to grow.

dot dude yours looks like it is gotten a little fert burn
back off on the ferts a little bit
they like it but not too much

i have a few growing also and am having some fungal or mites or thrips
problems (i am fighting and not giving up) not quite sure

i also have a two or three (or maybe four year old) that keeps plodding on through
no matter the strife and bugs and bacterials it faces, when the weather changes it
seems to always pull through

the individual plants all take on character and if you listen, they will tell you what they want

yes some of them take two seasons for any fruit and they drop lots of blossoms
but hang tough you too can grow these :eek: