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Rocoto Yellow, Anyone Growing?

Hey All,

I have recently started growing peppers from seed and heard great things about the rocoto pepper but have only managed to germinate a single seed so far and that doesnt look healthy at all. i have about 10 other varieties and have had 100% success rate with all besides my rocoto. anyone else having the same issues?
I've always had troubles getting my pubes to grow...... :D

But seriously, yeah, they can take a while. How long ago did you sow 'em?
ive done 2 batches now. one of them about 3 weeks ago max. the other 1 and a half weeks ago which is the one that has popped up but doesnt look very good.
I wouldn't give up on 'em just yet... I've had seeds take over a month to pop before... but I usually don't hold my breath either after the 3 week mark (on any species/variety).

Do you soak prior to sow? If you do already, maybe let 'em soak for a bit longer next time?

(I dunno... I soaked my pubes for a bit longer than usual this time and it's getting close to the 2 week mark with still no sign of life......)
Germination success begins with quality seed stock, so the problem may not be with you and it sounds like you know what you’re doing!!
Germination success begins with quality seed stock, so the problem may not be with you and It sounds like you know what you’re doing!!

lol i have no idea what i am doing, this is my first attempt from growing from seed ever. i dont know if its a problem with quality of seed as almost all my seeds are from the same distributor and havent had trouble with other varieties.

Do you soak prior to sow? If you do already, maybe let 'em soak for a bit longer next time?

I will try to soak for a bit longer next time i try "will try again in another couple weeks" although the one that has popped up wasnt soaked at all from memory.

also should i have my seeds under lights? im certain i read somewhere to start them in the dark "or just not under lights" then transfer once popped.
I'd just relax- i had 2/5 pop- they're a little temper & mental- mine are only getting bigger leaves after 7 weeks. They are only a foot tall, slow growers, maybe!
For germination, under the light or not doesn't make a difference--unless you are relying on the light for heat. It's just a bit pointless starting them under light is all. Definitely get them under there right away once you see the hook though! (Which sounds like you are already know)

I agree with Bootsieb, pubes are just a bit temperamental (at least in my limited experience with 'em). I've tried growing 'em a few times and they've always been very slow and have always ended up dying on me before seeing any pods. This season will be different though, I tell ya! :D
Very very slow and tempermental - I usually start them in December from seed and could prolly start earlier. They look kinda funky as well. kinda spindley and fuzzy
Being such big seeds, I usually sow my pubes a bit deeper than other chilli seeds. That's where soaking helps too (softens the seed shell).

Some people get all surgeon on helmet-heads (carefully trim around the sides of the seed with scissors, etc)... but I just moisten them, squeeze the seed a little, apply a very little bit of pressure and try to slide it off. You win some, lose some, but the things will probably die eventually anyway if not taken care of.

Speaking of pubes too.... one of mine finally decided to pop this morning! :dance: