• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Roguejim's Grow Log 2013

This is my inaugural grow log.
All will be grown in-ground in my experimental "no till" raised bed unless otherwise noted.

1) Bahamanian Goat (1) MCH
2) Bhut Assam (1) PLOVER
3) Bhut Yellow (1) RTF
4) Bhut Peach (1) THP
5) Car. Reaper (1) JOE
6) Fatali Red (1) THP
7) Fatali Yellow (1) THP
8) Hab Peru White (1) PLOVER
9) Scorp Choc (1) THP
10) Scorp Morouga (1) TMUDDER
11) Scorp Butch T (1) HSC (overwintered in pot)
12) Scorp Yellow SR (1) THP
13) Jamaican Mushroom (1) THP
14) Scotch Bonnet Jamaican (2) DENNIZ/THP
15) Scotch Bonnet Foodarama (2) MCH
16) Scotch Bonnet Red (1) THP
16-b) Tobago Treasure (1) PLOVER
17) 7-Pot Brown (1) OBN
18) 7-Pot Brain Red (1) CAPPY
19) 7-Pot Brain Yellow (1) THP
20) 7-Pot Primo (1) RTF
21) 7-Pot Barrackpore (1) TMUDDER
22) Fresno (2) MCH
23) Pequin (1) PLOVER
24) Mexibell (1) MCH
25) Chilaca (1) on-line
26) Cascabel (1) MCH
27) Jalapeno Cracked (2) PLOVER
28) Aji Lemon Drop (1) MCH
29) Thai I (2) store bought pod
30) Thai Piquant (2) THP
31) Orchid PI (1) PLOVER
32) Cherry Hot (1) JOE
33) Cherry Bomb (1) MCH
34) Orange Rocoto (1) PLOVER
35) Quadrato D' Asti (1) MCH
36) Italian Roaster (1) MCH
37) Pimenta Leopard (1) RTF
38) Chapeau De Frade (1) RTF
39) Chilhuacle Negro (1) PLOVER

Ornamentals (potted):
1) Black Pearl (1) MCH
2) Black Prince (1) MCH
3) Filius Blue (1) MCH
4) Numex Easter (1) MCH
After seeing this root condition of a Thai plant, I decided to transplant about a dozen of the larger plants to #1 pots.
All of the twelve were in a similar state.

The first candidates were all Thais, and one Fatali. You'll notice some yellowing of some of the leaves from when I was over watering/fertilizing. I've since corrected this.

First batch done. The others, not pictured, were some Bhuts, a Scorp, and the very awesome looking Pimenta Leopard(Thanks, RTF!).


Tomorrow, I get to plant round 2 of the seeds, i.e., annuums, baccatums...And as luck would have it, I've acquired some more indoor space in my basement, so I can stay with my original grow list without eliminating any varieties. I also acquired some of these (below), so I won't have to be concerned that my raised bed won't be large enough for all the plants. Good prices, eh?


No, I didn't buy the whole flatbed...
Thanks for looking!
Well, I accidentally deleted all of my previous pics due to a Photobucket screw up on my part. Oh well, not going to re post them all. I guess I'll just start with the new ones.

Here's a few photos from today. All plants have taken off since I adjusted my watering schedule, and switched to a kelp fert.

The mini-Jungle.


My biggest plant: Bhut Choc.

My Pimenta Leopard losing its purple coloration. Is this normal?

My "problem" plant that seems to have some sort of leaf scald: Red Caribbean Habanero. T8 lights are not too close either...several inches away. On 18 hours.

The cool Black Prince.

Annuums, pubes...

It's satisfying to finally just sit back and watch, instead of fretting.
The Lesson Learned is: Don't over water.
Hardening Off...Day #1.
I decided today was the day to bring the plants outside. I'm giving them ~30 minutes of direct sunlight, then I'll shade them with the plywood. The plywood will rest on the edge of the raised garden on one end, and on the 7 gallon buckets on the other end. I want to make sure I have a good amount of headspace under the plywood for air flow. I'll use cinder blocks to secure it from the wind, should there be any. Temps are in the upper 70s-low 80s. I think the frost is over. Some of the plants are pretty small because I planted them later than the others. I might turn them over to a friend with a greenhouse...we'll see.

Plant out completed in 2 days with the aid of my grand kid, Warren. He hates photos. Drip system will go in this weekend when it warms up again, and the plastic line will be more flexible. A total of 27 chinenses in the right section, and 14 annuums, et al., in the left.

Photo #1. That's my over wintered Butch T in the pot. I had to strip it after hardening it off too fast, and 2/3 of the leaves dropped off, or crinkled up. It's coming back though.

Photo #2.

Photo #3.

I potted up 9 chinenses.


I've already got 1 pod on my Yellow Bhut.

It looks like a small serrano now!

Just barely. We hit about an 8-10 day cold snap...rain and nighttime temps into the upper 30s. The nasty weather just broke last Thursday, and temps are now climbing into the low 90s. Some plants look ratty, small, and yellowed. Little to no growth on some. Leaves on some are wilting a bit under this new hot sun. Summer is here. This is my first season, so I hope the little ones will kick into gear. A bit depressing right now. I won't post any picks unless they show some real growth spurt.
Here are some 1st season photos of my modest grow from the Rogue Valley in southern Oregon.  After a mistake in soil prep which I corrected, and an untimely cold/wet snap, the plants seem to be on the move.  Poddage is beginning, but nothing ripe, yet.

Annuums, et al.

2nd year over wintered Butch T.  Loads of flowers, but no pods yet.





Chile Pequin.  Two are planted.

Jimmy Nardello.

Thai Piquant(?)  Someone here sent me these seeds labeled "Thai Piquant".  Is there another name for this plant?

That's it from the Rogue Valley, Oregon!
Maybe you've seen the news:

It's looking like my grow season might be over early. I don't know. These fires have cast a huge smoke cloud over everything. The sun is not really making it through. Temps are between 80-95F, dropping into the mid-50s at night. A real bummer since I was getting pods. Containment of the fires has been very slow. I may be buying pods from the rest of the group here.                              