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i went to bed with 2 hooks coming out of the soil naga viper babies i woke to find them gone got to looking around and found rollypollies walking around on top of the soil could it be that they ate them they where in a solo cup with a baggie over the top nothing else could of gotten to them
throw some coffee grounds around them maybe that will help some, most of the nasty bugs hate them

worms love um!!

i have a small ecosystem going in one of of my pot, millipedes,sow bugs and even a Hobo spider i call Charlie for kicks
my wife asked why do you call him Charlie?
i said well when i spray water he jumps around and i say oh SORRY CHARLIE
my wife thinks im cracked because i wont kill him and wont let her either, (she prolly right!!)

either try coffee grounds or get new soil, i would just get fresh clean soil if i where you

thanks your friend Joe
^^ They are very small almost crustation looking bugs that roll up into a ball, hence the name.

i never thought that they would damage anything never crossed my mind ill defently run some boiling water threw the soil before replanting them
I usually don't have problems with rollypollies or pill bugs as I sterilize the soil I use for my seedlings even if It a commercial mix as I have found all kind of bugs in bagged soil. Pill bugs will eat new growth so they can be problematic, normally they just eat rotting vegetation. To bad about your naga viper seedlings hope you have more seeds to replace them.
yes i got about 10 more seeds i only started two to see how long germination would take it took about 5 days i always tried to save the rolliepollies but they r now on my hit list :censored:
Ah... We call them woodlice in the UK. That's why I don't understand the slang

Yes, crustaceans. In a survival situation if you cook and eat a load of them, it tastes like shrimp I'm told.
Supposed to be good for cleaning out mites and such in terrariums.
Had a friend who kept a few in with his tarantulas for the same reason.
Did battle with rolly-pollies (pill bugs) this spring. They severely stunted many of my pepper plants and cucurbits. I sprinkled diatomaceous earth around my seedlings and put out beer traps as well...must have killed hundreds of them. After the stems became woody the rolly-pollies left the plants alone.