• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
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DE.. christ.. we use that it breweries, it will shred your lungs to bits (at least as fine as we get it milled).
i was shocked that people weren't using masks where i worked last year 'nah it's ok' 'hey, its your funeral!' i replied
I remember two types.. Dull grey ones and shiny ones that have sometimes green ish spots on them. I remember they infested our conservatory cause it was damp. And I poked them until they rolled into a ball

Wish I was still 5 and could have so much fun bullying insects! Nowadays I can't crack a smile without spending money that I don't have..

Regardless they are the same genus. Like a grey squirrel is still a squirrel even if it ain't native to the UK. They look near identical, turtle wax or no ;)

I can't say we ever had a woodlouse problem in our vegetable garden... Then again, we lived in the sticks where there was plenty of festering wood for them to feed on


All explained. I love the difference between British and American English. My boss is American and he can't understand what I'm saying alot of the time.

Over 3000 species of woodlouse. Impressive!
Yeah, as others have mentioned, you gotta keep these things away from the babies. They're harmless with full grown plants.

I remember years ago frequenting a...well-known...gardening forum where folks SWORE they didn't eat live matter and to leave them alone.

They WERE WRONG. I try and hammer down on them as best as possible before my plant out in March. Otherwise, there is little existing vegetation (rotting or no) outside, and they get a feast if I don't try and keep them under control.