Romy peppers closed for now. Thank you !!!

I have 4 SFRB o peppers up for sale . Just picked a few minutes ago. Will ship Tuesday and should arrive on Thursday. US only. Consist of mixed annumms, brains,couple of each morouga's,not yellow brains, barrackpores, yellow 7's , yellow scorps,doresett naga's, choc habs, bumpy hybrid bhut's, cayenne's,not douglah's, red habs, venetian habs,aji lemons and tepins. Sale ends Monday evening 8 pm. 16 bucks includes shipping:)


Am I right in assuming this won't be the last round of boxes? My woman definitely wants me to get some more of those cardi scorpions whenever possible.
Wow! I just received the pods and they are georgeous! Thank you very much and thanks for labelling them as well. Please PM me anytime you want to sell another box.
glad you got yours i should be getting mine tomarrow hope mine are half as nice as you say yours are

I was thinking of you when I tore into the Lemon Drops, lol. They were fabulous. My wife and I then split a Scorp and had to quit...felt the burn between the ears. Those Florida peppers seem alot hotter than our PA peppers for sure. Hope you are as happy with your pods as I am. Gonna have to make some hot slaw for on the Thanksgiving turkey...
i got the box today just walked through the door off the bus cant wait to tear into a pod thanks

are the little tiny round ones tepin how many pepper are usally on a plant