• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2014

 So I guess it is about damn time I started a grow log! Not a whole lot going on at the ranch  :shh:  but hopefully that will change soon. I grow peppers all year around outdoors. I live on the central east coast of Florida. It has many ups and downs but more ups  :fireball: . Bugs such as mites and aphids are always a problem for me. Over the years I am getting better at diagnosing them at a early stage . This Christmas I was lucky enough to have santa bring me an aerogarden and some how managed to make it's nesting place on my kitchen table. I know this is short lived and I will need to find a safer resting spot for it. Here is a pic of my outdoor operation. Most of these plants are between 8 months or older. 

 They look very haggard at the present moment. Lack of sunlight and low humidity will do that. But come spring they better bounce back into action.  :dance:
 Here is my little indoor operation. It isn't much but keeps me happy and grows peppers super fast. I planted a 7 pot lava( judy) , borg9( tmudder), yaki blue( nigel via standbyandfire), true cumari ( from judy) , defcon 7 ( tmudder), choc naga x brain ( me,via winchicken, via tmudder), and parsley for the boy :)
 First to pop was the 7 pot lava. Few days later the defcon 7. Yaki and borg both popped with helmet heads and I managed to kill them trying to remove. I just added a few more seeds in each pouch . 

 Stay tuned and keep it green my fellow chili addicts . 
Looking awesome Jaime !! Glad to see you are getting some pods coming along even in the height of summer. That mislabled one looks nasty indeed!! Looks a little like the jigsaws i have been seeing about on here ....Keep on growing bro!!
annie57 said:
Jamie, ya got an Aji BG7?  :P  (j/k) Lookin' good sweetie! I have one of those Not Douglah. And yeah: they some rough . . . whew. Total accident but hope I have one Douglah-Douglah. Love the Cumari Pollux and my "Lisa's" or one, is orange; nice snacker! Evil stuff, Jamie, just evil :cool: .
LOl . I got a mislabeled pepper plant or some funky seeds . Either way I am happy with the end product so far :)
Pulpiteer said:
Looking awesome Jamie! I love the look of the MoA's you're doing great! Plus those food shots you always throw in make my mouth water.
 Thank you Andy .U da man !!
Devv said:
MoA has loaded up nicely, and the rest haint too shabby neither! ;)
Always love a chicken breast slathered in hot tasty goodness. And that one looks good!
Keep it green bro!
 Thanks Scotty . I can only hope to keep it half as green as your plot . 
HillBilly Jeff said:
Wow, awesome looking pepper shots.  Nice massive array of pepper varieties.  Love it!!!
 Why Gracias Senor Jeffrey 
Trippa said:
Looking awesome Jaime !! Glad to see you are getting some pods coming along even in the height of summer. That mislabled one looks nasty indeed!! Looks a little like the jigsaws i have been seeing about on here ....Keep on growing bro!!
 Thanks Tripp, I could be a jigsaw but the plant I have labeled jigsaw has some very gnarly peppers too . Keep up the fight on your balcony !!!!
 Picked a few peppers 

And sampled a few peppers . First the mustard bhut . Not a ton of oil but a typical floral aroma . 

For not being very oily  ( and leaving on the vine a bit too  long ) this pepper has some serious punch . No doubt it is a bhut . Super intense mouth lip and gum burn . Scale of 1 to 10 i give it  a 7. Nice long burn with the typical not earthy more floral  bhut flavor . Thumps up for the mustard bhut !!!! 

Next up was the JIgsaw. This pepper just look'd hot and tasty . 

 Lots of oils and very thin walled . Very floral aroma . Sampled a small sliver and the heat hit immediatley . All mouth burn . Had a very citrusy flavor with no bitter or earthiness . Not as hot I  expected but the mustard bhut may have had something to do with that . Still about a 7 on the heat scale . 

 Next up the jonah x yelllow 7 x choc bhut . This pepper was huge and full of capsaicin oils . I was not surprised considering the parents . 

This pepper  had that distinct  7 pot odor  . That thick earthy aroma of a super weight butt burner . Even the wife and kids starting gasping . Thick walls and puddles of oils lathered the insides . Flavor was strong and the  heat was brutal . Reminded me of a jonah in flavor . No earthy flavor at all . Very much floral and the flavor was short lived . The heat took a bit but once it hit I was breathing deep and tearing up .  The deep breathing did very little for the pain . It started in the mouth . It felt like I was eating a small piece of hot coal . Anywhere I had chewed felt burned . Heat lasted a very long time. Maybe 15 minutes and had a nice adrenaline rush . Heat I give a 10 out of 10. Also great flavor perfect for sauces or powders. Eating fresh I will leave that to the birds . ( no punn intended Nigel ) 

 And last but not least the MoA . What can I say about this pepper that has not already been said . Just a beautiful scotch bonnet with the looks and flavor to back it up . Very lucky Ramon and Steve were kind enough to spread this pepper around .

Super sweet smell . Flavor was like a manzano . Juicy , tasty, pure pepper love . Much hotter than I remembered . Like a 5 or 6 maybe 100,000 soville units if not more . But that great bonnet flavor we have all come to love . 

 The pepper was almost the size of a racquetball . Wife and I enjoyed it with some grilled zucchini , fresh corn with some tasty chipotle  powder from meatrfreak , and some yellow rice . Life was and is good 
What contrasts! Jonah x Yelllow 7 x Choc bhut and finally, the MoA (lord, that thing does taste so good and your shot is spot on, SweetJamie); blissful looking plate! Have you tried the Brown Butlah? Jason/GA G-Head sent me one. (I sorta prayed to die for a moment.) As you said, w/o offense to Nigel, it's gotta be, if fresh, to birds. Otherwise . . . I have no clue what taste of it is. Thank you for the reviews! And the plate to screen slobber  :drooling:
romy6 said:
 And last but not least the MoA . What can I say about this pepper that has not already been said . Just a beautiful scotch bonnet with the looks and flavor to back it up . Very lucky Ramon and Steve were kind enough to spread this pepper around .

Super sweet smell . Flavor was like a manzano . Juicy , tasty, pure pepper love . Much hotter than I remembered . Like a 5 or 6 maybe 100,000 soville units if not more . But that great bonnet flavor we have all come to love . 

 The pepper was almost the size of a racquetball . Wife and I enjoyed it with some grilled zucchini , fresh corn with some tasty chipotle  powder from meatrfreak , and some yellow rice . Life was and is good 
Now that is simply a beautiful specimen!  
Things must be cooling off a bit in SoFlo because brother Jamie is back in the schwing! :dance:  The MoA may not be the hottest pepper, but it's sure the tastiest I've come across this season... +1 on that review. :)  Eating the Mustard Bhut, Jigsaw and 3-way cross before that... talk about taking one for the team... Lol! Keep on keepin' on brother!
Barley-pop57 said:
Looking great my friend !!!!  Love the pics......they are making my mouth water....lol   Look forward to even more pics
 Thank Mike I will do my best /
capsidadburn said:
Great post Jamie! Fantastic display!
 Thank s Mike . Just trying to hang with you . 
annie57 said:
What contrasts! Jonah x Yelllow 7 x Choc bhut and finally, the MoA (lord, that thing does taste so good and your shot is spot on, SweetJamie); blissful looking plate! Have you tried the Brown Butlah? Jason/GA G-Head sent me one. (I sorta prayed to die for a moment.) As you said, w/o offense to Nigel, it's gotta be, if fresh, to birds. Otherwise . . . I have no clue what taste of it is. Thank you for the reviews! And the plate to screen slobber  :drooling:
 Thanks Annie. Have not tried the bhutlah so hopefully I will get some seeds sooner than later . You are very welcome hope all is well. 
PIC 1 said:
Damm........sampling 3 super hots............That MoA must have tasted like Gelato after eating those.......... :lol: 
Nice harvest,.. oily looking peppers and .......another meal from the Fine Dining  kitchen of romy6
 Greg coming from you I am very humbled . You are the master chef and grower .
HillBilly Jeff said:
Everything looking most excellent sir!!!
Thanks Jeff back at ya on your grow . 
Pulpiteer said:
Now that is simply a beautiful specimen!  
 Thanks Andy it sure is . 
jedisushi06 said:
borg 9 looks funky.  It's got that bbg7 look to it.  
 Yeah I flippflopped the pics you know the deal 
Devv said:
What can I say, it's all been said already!
So a +1 on 444-448 :D
I enjoyed the reviews!
 Thanks Scotty . 
buddy said:
great looking peppers my friend . . . and i'm sure that they taste as good as they look.  take care.
Yes they do thanks T man !!!
stickman said:
Things must be cooling off a bit in SoFlo because brother Jamie is back in the schwing! :dance:  The MoA may not be the hottest pepper, but it's sure the tastiest I've come across this season... +1 on that review. :)  Eating the Mustard Bhut, Jigsaw and 3-way cross before that... talk about taking one for the team... Lol! Keep on keepin' on brother!
 Well Rick I must agree . Really heating up here and all the rain is making much less flower drop than usual this time of year . 
 Sampled the Pimenta Lisa Peach variety from Stefan ( meatfreak)  last night and what a wonderful pepper it is . 

Starts out a nice light purple 

Then goes to almost a pure white 

And finishes up a nice peach tone . When I cut it open it had a very strong chinese  odor . I was suprised it was so strong . 

 This pepper has medium thick walls and lots of juice . Biting into it was like chomping on a nice fresh  McIntosh apple . Very juicy indeed . Flavor is much like that of a Pimenta de Neyde but not as earthy . More sweet like a bhut. Heat was slow to buld like a bhut but almost perfect for me . Lots of mouth and lip burn . Lasted about 5 minutes and mellowed slowly . I would say just about red hab heat .  The pepper looks almost translucent in bright light


The plant 

 Cumari is loaded with pods

I think this is the fastest I have ever had a plant  pod up  and I owe my aerogarden for it .  These are my Elysium Oxide Bonnett( from Mike capsdaiburn)  and aji lemon . Started about 8 weeks ago . Plants only get a few hours of late sunlight everyday . But super healthy and growing like weeds. 

almost every pepper on this MoA plant is A grade as Ramon would say 

Can I get a bump ?
Thank you Linda 
Aji Chuncho 

This is the Borg 9. Pepper looks like a Ducks head 

Brown Moruga putting out some nice huge pods 

Not Yaki is back at it 

 And I do grow things other than just peppers. I just ain't as good at it or don't invest as much into it  ;)
German Striped mater in 3 gal 

Broccoli is finally looking good 

and a looker the purple bhut x viper 

Carry on people !
Excellent review on the Pimenta Lisa, Jamie. Glad you liked it, Hab heat sounds about right. Didn't got any hotter over here either, the peach pheno pods are very tasty compared to the more white/purple ones. Then again those are very pretty so, choices choices :) You gotta stop it with the Lava pictures, it's getting ridiculous!? Awesome my friend :D
romy6 said:
And sampled a few peppers . First the mustard bhut . Not a ton of oil but a typical floral aroma . 

For not being very oily  ( and leaving on the vine a bit too  long ) this pepper has some serious punch . No doubt it is a bhut . Super intense mouth lip and gum burn . Scale of 1 to 10 i give it  a 7. Nice long burn with the typical not earthy more floral  bhut flavor . Thumps up for the mustard bhut !!!! 

Nice pics and reviews.  Good to see the mustard bhut here.  I have seeds, but didn't grow it this year.  How are the rest of the pods on the plant?  I've seen pics of a few smaller pods like yours so far this season... I'm curious whether the plant can put out larger and longer pods too.