• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2014

 So I guess it is about damn time I started a grow log! Not a whole lot going on at the ranch  :shh:  but hopefully that will change soon. I grow peppers all year around outdoors. I live on the central east coast of Florida. It has many ups and downs but more ups  :fireball: . Bugs such as mites and aphids are always a problem for me. Over the years I am getting better at diagnosing them at a early stage . This Christmas I was lucky enough to have santa bring me an aerogarden and some how managed to make it's nesting place on my kitchen table. I know this is short lived and I will need to find a safer resting spot for it. Here is a pic of my outdoor operation. Most of these plants are between 8 months or older. 

 They look very haggard at the present moment. Lack of sunlight and low humidity will do that. But come spring they better bounce back into action.  :dance:
 Here is my little indoor operation. It isn't much but keeps me happy and grows peppers super fast. I planted a 7 pot lava( judy) , borg9( tmudder), yaki blue( nigel via standbyandfire), true cumari ( from judy) , defcon 7 ( tmudder), choc naga x brain ( me,via winchicken, via tmudder), and parsley for the boy :)
 First to pop was the 7 pot lava. Few days later the defcon 7. Yaki and borg both popped with helmet heads and I managed to kill them trying to remove. I just added a few more seeds in each pouch . 

 Stay tuned and keep it green my fellow chili addicts . 
compmodder26 said:
Man oh man!  I'm absolutely giddy now.  You can't see me, but I'm jumping for joy over here!  You are the man Jamie!  Thank you my friend!   :woohoo:
And that Lava is just NUTS!  What size pot is it in?
That is a 7 gallon B . I am in awe of this plant . 
stc3248 said:
Wow...that choco Naga-Brain!!! Sounds and looks very painful! Looking real good thus far Jamie, keep up the good work!
 Thank you Shane . Nice to see you back in the game :) 
jedisushi06 said:
yeah buddy, yellow jonahs look great, naga brain looked hot@!!!!!!!!
 Thanks Mikey
maximumcapsicum said:
Yikes! That is a mean looking pod.

Lava is going nuts. Careful or it'll set your house ablaze.
 Ha ha Adam . Lava and stucco do not mix !
stickman said:
Good on ya for being game Jamie! :onfire: Your description of the Naga/brains sounds like my first experience with Douglahs, but with a better initial flavor... :)  Have you ever made sauce with the chocolate pods after smoking with cherry wood? I think it's a great combination.
 Brother Rick . I have not made a sauce of that nature but i will soon . Thank you 
jedisushi06 said:
Thanks for the pods, i'll be eating that yellow with my dinner tonight!
My pleasure senor !
BlisterdOutPods671 said:
Wow, those NagaBrains are looking very nice!
They are a wonderful variety . Hope to eventually stabilize with the help of many . 
chile_freak said:
Any idea what the genetics are in that 7pot Lava? Obviously at least one 7pot species, any idea what its parents were?
 I do not think Judy ( pepperlover ) has ever said but I would guess a brain and moruga or something of that nature . 
Good on ya for tasting that pod!
I hate when I post and it's not on the same page, I can't scroll...LOL
That Lava is huge! And glad to see you're pulling enough to send some SFRB's. I'm not there yet, but close. 
Never know with the Manzano's, I have one in full sun, and it set a lone pod. But they are picky!
Love the doggie pics!
Have a great week!
romy6 said:
 I do not think Judy ( pepperlover ) has ever said but I would guess a brain and moruga or something of that nature . 
When Judy sent me one to do a review on she said it was a cross between a Primo and Moruga Red.  Now, I'm not sure if she meant Moruga Scorpion or an actual Moruga Red.  Guess I should have gotten that clarified with her.
Not sure "Back in the game" fits...but I should be able to get on more often for the next couple weeks while I'm on leave. Of course...the honey do list is pretty damn long since I am almost never home anymore. I put the full court press on though and hope I can relax and do some pepper stuff on the back nine though. 
Too bad your poor little Chuncho ain't lookin so hot... :dance:  :rofl:  :rolleyes:
Devv said:
Good on ya for tasting that pod!
I hate when I post and it's not on the same page, I can't scroll...LOL
That Lava is huge! And glad to see you're pulling enough to send some SFRB's. I'm not there yet, but close. 
Never know with the Manzano's, I have one in full sun, and it set a lone pod. But they are picky!
Love the doggie pics!
Have a great week!
 Thanks Scotty . My fathers day was great and hope yours was as well . 
compmodder26 said:
When Judy sent me one to do a review on she said it was a cross between a Primo and Moruga Red.  Now, I'm not sure if she meant Moruga Scorpion or an actual Moruga Red.  Guess I should have gotten that clarified with her.
 That sounds about right . Mine look much more like a Moruga without the bumps . 
stc3248 said:
Not sure "Back in the game" fits...but I should be able to get on more often for the next couple weeks while I'm on leave. Of course...the honey do list is pretty damn long since I am almost never home anymore. I put the full court press on though and hope I can relax and do some pepper stuff on the back nine though. 
Too bad your poor little Chuncho ain't lookin so hot... :dance:  :rofl:  :rolleyes:
 Ha Ha Shane you always give me a smile. I too have not had  much time for THP which is not a good thing . Chuncho is coming on strong . Need to find a hole for it . 
SomeLikeItHot said:
here I am, all excited about my dualheaded brain strain plant reaching over 4 foot, and you got a 7 foot tall lava?

My plants are probably building a shrine to yours as we speak. You are utterly ridiculous when it comes to plants bro.
 Wow that is a huge compliment . Not sure I deserve it but I will take it . Very humbled with your kindness . Thank you  
chile_freak said:
Pretty soon your lava might start wrapping around your post and looking like confederate jasmine or ivy or something!
 Funny you say that is has begun wrapping itself around my columns :)
Devv said:
Jamie, I hope you had a fantastic Fathers Day!
 Back at ya Scott 
So last week was a busy week . My job sent me to Chicago . Great place to visit if you know what I mean. Wife said it rained everyday and I could tell . Plants seemed to love it . Lots of new growth and many pods to pick . BUgs were so bad last night I stayed inside and watched world cup . Did a quick video after some rain . 
The lava 

Though my kids would like to grow some cotton so I said what the hell. 3 days in Aero and it looks weeks old 

They all said you have to see the bean . Luck had it my hotel was a 5 minute walk from Millenium park 

My fat ass holding up the bean 

This country boy was in awe of the City . We took an amazing boat ride thru the city 



And a few peppers picked . Hundreds more need to be picked 

Have a great week . 
Looking good in Fla. there Jamie!
A little culture shock in the "Windy City"? I feel the same way when we travel.
Reminds me of a 40 year old song "Too Many People"
Have a great week!
Wow, I'm glad I don't have your problems, who in the world would want to have to pick hundreds of pods! Hundreds of delicious, hot, juicy pepper pods. No sir I don't envy you one bit! Not even a little!
romy6 said:
 Wow that is a huge compliment . Not sure I deserve it but I will take it . Very humbled with your kindness . Thank you  
I just call it exactly how I see it man. Between that plant you had last year with branches that looked like part of the tree ents on Lord of the rings, and now that massive Lava, you clearly have your technique perfected. Makes me jealous with as bi-polar as the weather gets here in missouri, we're lucky if we see more than a few stray pods before July.
If you end up with some extras off that lava, I've got to try one.
jedisushi06 said:
Great pics buddy.  I'll have a care package ready for you today.  Have a good day.
 Thanks Mikey . You are too kind !
meatfreak said:
Great report, Jamie :) You gave the P. Lisa's some steroids? Man, those are big already! Great job :D
 Just good genes sent from a great grower . The purple pheno is the most beautiful I have ever grown . Wifey even likes it . 
Devv said:
Looking good in Fla. there Jamie!
A little culture shock in the "Windy City"? I feel the same way when we travel.
Reminds me of a 40 year old song "Too Many People"
Have a great week!
 Thanks Scotty . With the late day rains popping up it makes for some happy plants  :fireball:
chile_freak said:
Wow, I'm glad I don't have your problems, who in the world would want to have to pick hundreds of pods! Hundreds of delicious, hot, juicy pepper pods. No sir I don't envy you one bit! Not even a little!
 Yes Paul it is rough but somebody has to do it  ;)
SomeLikeItHot said:
I just call it exactly how I see it man. Between that plant you had last year with branches that looked like part of the tree ents on Lord of the rings, and now that massive Lava, you clearly have your technique perfected. Makes me jealous with as bi-polar as the weather gets here in missouri, we're lucky if we see more than a few stray pods before July.
If you end up with some extras off that lava, I've got to try one.
 Thank you sir . I am a product of my nice pepper weather and lots of time . The Lava is protected by Judy ( pepperlover ) so until she releases I have to eat them all myself  :hell: I can hook you up with some other cool varieties that are hotter than my Lava if you would like ? 
 Not as many peppers were out there . But I manged to pick most of them 

Carry on :)
romy6 said:
 Thank you sir . I am a product of my nice pepper weather and lots of time . The Lava is protected by Judy ( pepperlover ) so until she releases I have to eat them all myself  :hell: I can hook you up with some other cool varieties that are hotter than my Lava if you would like ? 
 Not as many peppers were out there . But I manged to pick most of them 

Carry on :)
Ah, completely understandable. Considering I just now have my first pods setting and probably won't see anything ripen until mid-late july, I'd happily take whatever you would want to send with a smile on my face.  :onfire:
Jamie ...your harvests are starting to get plenty colorful...............don't poke your eye out on that Lava branch........ :lol:
Tell me how you were able to get some blue sky here  when it rained all week................ :shocked: ..........
   you should have called....I would have got you off the water cruise and we'd be land cruising down the bars at Rush St.............lol.................next time