• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2014

 So I guess it is about damn time I started a grow log! Not a whole lot going on at the ranch  :shh:  but hopefully that will change soon. I grow peppers all year around outdoors. I live on the central east coast of Florida. It has many ups and downs but more ups  :fireball: . Bugs such as mites and aphids are always a problem for me. Over the years I am getting better at diagnosing them at a early stage . This Christmas I was lucky enough to have santa bring me an aerogarden and some how managed to make it's nesting place on my kitchen table. I know this is short lived and I will need to find a safer resting spot for it. Here is a pic of my outdoor operation. Most of these plants are between 8 months or older. 

 They look very haggard at the present moment. Lack of sunlight and low humidity will do that. But come spring they better bounce back into action.  :dance:
 Here is my little indoor operation. It isn't much but keeps me happy and grows peppers super fast. I planted a 7 pot lava( judy) , borg9( tmudder), yaki blue( nigel via standbyandfire), true cumari ( from judy) , defcon 7 ( tmudder), choc naga x brain ( me,via winchicken, via tmudder), and parsley for the boy :)
 First to pop was the 7 pot lava. Few days later the defcon 7. Yaki and borg both popped with helmet heads and I managed to kill them trying to remove. I just added a few more seeds in each pouch . 

 Stay tuned and keep it green my fellow chili addicts . 
stc3248 said:
In the big city!!! Haha...and pods a plenty! 
 Yes indeed Shane .  
SomeLikeItHot said:
Ah, completely understandable. Considering I just now have my first pods setting and probably won't see anything ripen until mid-late july, I'd happily take whatever you would want to send with a smile on my face.  :onfire:
  No worries I got your back . 
Devv said:
A mas respectable harvest there Jamie!
Keep on a growin'!
 Muchas gracias senor scott!
Sm1nts2escape said:
What is the flavor like from the Green Hornet? Grow is looking good
 The green hornet has a pleas ant taste . Kinda like a green jalapeno but a little more chinense in your face heat .  
jedisushi06 said:
Glad too hear your enjoy the goodies I sent you this week!
They are wonderful so far . Sauce has me a little scared  ;)
Barley-pop57 said:
Just checking in.  Everything looks up to snuff...as usual !!!!!  Cool pics of everything too !!!!  Keep up the great work and con't success, my friend
Thanks Mike the jerky master . Hope you more success with your garden .  :dance:
 Got a nice package from jedisushi06 last night . U da man Mikey 

The Jamaican rub was great on my chicken 

And had to show off my most bodacious plant ever . The pimenta lisa from Stefan ( meatfreak ) 

PIC 1 said:
Jamie ...your harvests are starting to get plenty colorful...............don't poke your eye out on that Lava branch........ :lol:
Tell me how you were able to get some blue sky here  when it rained all week................ :shocked: ..........
   you should have called....I would have got you off the water cruise and we'd be land cruising down the bars at Rush St.............lol.................next time
Thanks Greg . They had us running around like chickens with our heads cut off . I would have much rather hooked up with you . Thanks for the offer and next time I will take you up on it. 
Devv said:
Nice haul from Mikey Jamie!
Glad to see the pepper love start to flow!
It's gonna be a :hot: summer!
Yes indeed Scotty . It already is  :hell:
jedisushi06 said:
You and Jamison are next on my list.  I got some new rubs i'm going to make with super hot powders.
 Scotty you won't be disappointed .  :party:
Few pics from last night .The not yaki blue is ripening to burgundy . I will review this bad boy soon


barrackpore X  choc scorp 

aji chincho flowering( couple tiny pods)  and filling out after mite infestation 

Have a great weekend 
Great looking pods Jamie! Those not yakis are awesome looking, may not be as colorful, as the real yakis but they are huge and look delicious! And that barrackpore cross looks great! I feel like we will have many seeds to trade this off season!
jedisushi06 said:
That cross looks pretty mean!
Yes it is Mikey 
Devv said:
 Yeah it does!
Looking good in Fla.!
Thanks Scotty
chile_freak said:
Great looking pods Jamie! Those not yakis are awesome looking, may not be as colorful, as the real yakis but they are huge and look delicious! And that barrackpore cross looks great! I feel like we will have many seeds to trade this off season!
I see a trade for sure PB !
stickman said:
Dang Jamie! You're getting respectablef Chinense harvests in already and the c.a.r.e. packages are starting to circulate already... good times! :dance:
 Yes indeed Rick . Gotta love this place !!!!
Few pics from Saturday . 

Chocolate nagabrain


viper X purple bhut . PLant never droops no matter how hot it gets 

Barrackpore X t scorp choc F2



Green Hornet 

Mystery Wild 

Have a great week and don't give up any goals in the last second again  :confused:
That sure is a block-head looking Brain pod.........nice coloring on the Chocolate NagaBrain's....almost has that look of...."how could you leave that candybar on the hot dashboard....melted look to it".............gooey 
Hot hot are the green hornets ?
Always a nice update here!
Loving that chocolate pain!
Ally's catching up to Tebow in size, and I'm really glad they get along. We had a beautiful young female stray pit show up here Thursday night, I called the county to come and get her Saturday. The guy said he would have no problem finding her a home, which made me feel better about calling them. We already have 3 dogs that we have to board when we travel.
Have a great week!