• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2014

 So I guess it is about damn time I started a grow log! Not a whole lot going on at the ranch  :shh:  but hopefully that will change soon. I grow peppers all year around outdoors. I live on the central east coast of Florida. It has many ups and downs but more ups  :fireball: . Bugs such as mites and aphids are always a problem for me. Over the years I am getting better at diagnosing them at a early stage . This Christmas I was lucky enough to have santa bring me an aerogarden and some how managed to make it's nesting place on my kitchen table. I know this is short lived and I will need to find a safer resting spot for it. Here is a pic of my outdoor operation. Most of these plants are between 8 months or older. 

 They look very haggard at the present moment. Lack of sunlight and low humidity will do that. But come spring they better bounce back into action.  :dance:
 Here is my little indoor operation. It isn't much but keeps me happy and grows peppers super fast. I planted a 7 pot lava( judy) , borg9( tmudder), yaki blue( nigel via standbyandfire), true cumari ( from judy) , defcon 7 ( tmudder), choc naga x brain ( me,via winchicken, via tmudder), and parsley for the boy :)
 First to pop was the 7 pot lava. Few days later the defcon 7. Yaki and borg both popped with helmet heads and I managed to kill them trying to remove. I just added a few more seeds in each pouch . 

 Stay tuned and keep it green my fellow chili addicts . 
Nulle said:
There are the two cuties :P . Ally is getting a big girl.
 Yes she is Linda Lou !!!! And getting that pretty girl attitude too . But Tebow know's how to set her in her place :)
Jamison said:
Beautiful poddage Jamie!  That Nagabrain looks too cool man!
 Thanks J man . I really do love it . 
PIC 1 said:
That sure is a block-head looking Brain pod.........nice coloring on the Chocolate NagaBrain's....almost has that look of...."how could you leave that candybar on the hot dashboard....melted look to it".............gooey 
Hot hot are the green hornets ?
 Too funny Greg . You crack my chocolate loving ass up . The hornets too me have the heat of a mild hab . Hot enough but tasty for a mustard . 
wayright said:
Beautiful piccy broham!  :dance:
Have you tried any of these before?
They are really good!!!  :P
 Thanks Broseph. JB sent me some last and and I loved them . Should have a ton very soon . 
Devv said:
Always a nice update here!
Loving that chocolate pain!
Ally's catching up to Tebow in size, and I'm really glad they get along. We had a beautiful young female stray pit show up here Thursday night, I called the county to come and get her Saturday. The guy said he would have no problem finding her a home, which made me feel better about calling them. We already have 3 dogs that we have to board when we travel.
Have a great week!
 Thanks Scott . I could not imagine having to board 3 dogs . The price for that alone has too ste your pocket book back . I am lucky I have a good friend that comes over and takes care of my dogs and peppers when I am not home . 
maximumcapsicum said:
Love the ChocoNagaBrain. Amazing pod, and excellent photo!
How was the sauce! Inquiring minds must know!
 Thanks Adam . It is a eye catcher. I have not tried the sauce yet. Mikey ( jedisushi06) kinda has me scared :)
chile_freak said:
Meda Bonita y pica lomismo siempre señor Jamie!
Keep them sweet pics a rolling!
Oh yeah guess which post this was :D
 Man Paul you have been a posting bitch the last month . Only 4000 more to catch me ! Thank you 
SomeLikeItHot said:
Right on. Do you still have my address?
 I do not when I have some pods for ya I will shoot ya a pm . Thanks 
So last night I discovered some tiny ass flowers on one of my galapagoensis. I was super stoked . I will try to take a good pic tonight .  

And finally busted into that Not Yaki Blue pod . I let it sit on the plant jsut to make sure the seeds were super mature and all that jazz . It ripened to a ruby red . Very nice looker 

When I sliced this bad boy open I immediately got a pleasant smell of  green jalapeno . Had an excellent aroma . Was not pungent nor floral . Almost sweet . 

Samples a piece right away . It also tasted like a jalapeno . If I closed my eyes I could have sworn it was . Very smooth and just plain goodness . Had a nice amount of heat though . I would say triple the heat of a Jal . All in all a great pepper that my wife and I hope to keep enjoying for a long time . Great to spicen up some squash . 

I would also like to say thank you to Paul ( chili_freak ) for his ability to make excellent fermented sauces . This is a yellow sauce that is savory,sweet , and has the perfect kick . 

Have a safe one !!


man that looks like an ultra oily, super bumpy, choco ghost pod! the only question is: Is it tasty...................
Is it Scrumptious..................................?
only 4000 to catch you no prob I'll do that this weekend :liar:
funny you should say that, i was just thinking about when i met you on the GW when you found out about this site, 
and you told me" one of my buddies told me about this other site, i think it could be pretty cool!" within a week we were chatting here, that was 3 yrs ago this month! Ha look at us now! :hot:  :dance:  :fireball:  :hell:  :high:  :cheers:  :beer:
Looking good, my friend !!!!  I haven't tried squash much just the way I was raised I guess but seeing it in your food pic it looks good.  The peppers you sent are great !!!  I liked them all....lol     Have a good one  :cheers:
Devv said:
Some brown pain there fo sho!
Very nice looking pods. Do all the brown pods just slam the heat immediately? It sure seems that way!
 Thanks Scott . I would have to agree most if not all brown pheno's seem to be mo hotter  :hell:
maximumcapsicum said:
Seems like the brown pods take longer to ripen too... "Choc" full of capsaicin?
 Yes indeed A man !!! 
meatfreak said:
Nice pods and plants, Jamie. Also surprised by that review of the Not Yaki Blue. A Chinense with an Jalapeno taste, very interesting! Good chance it has crossed with a Jal :) Have a good weekend!
 I thought that would get your attention Stefan :) I will save ya some seeds . Now why did your team have to beat up on mi esposa 's  team :)
Barley-pop57 said:
Looking good, my friend !!!!  I haven't tried squash much just the way I was raised I guess but seeing it in your food pic it looks good.  The peppers you sent are great !!!  I liked them all....lol     Have a good one  :cheers:
 You don't know what you're missing Mike. Glad you are enjoying the heat . 
chile_freak said:
Jamie the pods are delicious! I was surprised how much I like that green hornet! What is the lineage of that one? They sure are tasty!
 Me too . I usually am not a big fan of green pods other than  Jal's . The green hornet is a cross I received from seeds labeled jays red scorps . The person who sent them to me has no idea what is crossed with .  We may never know :)
 Was a great weekend at the romy6 pepper patch . Finally had a chance to try the barrackpore X choc scorp . Producing very large pods . 

When I cut this badboy open I could see I was in for some pain. The oils were thick and the distinct 7 pod odor was among us . Lots of seeds lined the thick placenta of this guy 

 The flavor was good but had a little hint of deep chinense . More floral than sweet but it was not overbearing and could easily be  removed with  drying or cooking . The heat was strong but nothing like I expected . Burn lasted about 10 minutes mainly in the tip of tongue and sides of mouth . Great pepper for sauces . \

Picked a few peppers last night 

Got an okay flower shot from the galapagoense 

Cumari pollux

viper X purple bhut 

Decided to try another Lava pod last night after sampling the Barrackpore x choc scorp. It did not seem that hot so I wanted to make sure it wasn't me . Well that was a  mistake . The Lava lived up to it's name once again . Sweet flavor that was quickly overtaken by pain and sorrow . Eyes watering , mouth lips and gums were on fire . Put me right back in my place .  :shh:
The lava pod

Rocoto just flowers too hot for pods I guess :)

Have a great weekend and an even better 4th of July . Stay spicy my friends 
Ii wonder was he growing 7 pot evergreen, or green scorpions near his jays red, because those are the only two peppers in my albeit limited experience that ripen to green.
Barley-pop57 said:
Nice pics and great reviews.  Have a great 4th !!!!!
Thank you Mike you do the same amigo !
compmodder26 said:
Loving the pod porn Jamie!  Great looking eats too!  Keep on keepin on brother.
 Thanks Brian back at ya
jedisushi06 said:
keep it up buddy!  Nice pods!
  Thank you sir Mike !!!
Devv said:
Yeah baby!
Now that's a haul! And I see many more just waiting to be on the table.
Nice reviews on those pods too ;)
Have a great week and enjoy the fourth!
Thanks Scotty nothing like you got but I is a trying :)
chile_freak said:
Ii wonder was he growing 7 pot evergreen, or green scorpions near his jays red, because those are the only two peppers in my albeit limited experience that ripen to green.
That would not surprise me at all brother Paul

So last night I wandered into an amazing find . My first ever pube !!! The infamous rocoto loco


Another great find was my Tepin plant had a tasty treat for me


The Lava is not getting any smaller


Everyone have a great 4th of July . I will be at the track if ya need me :)