rooting pepper cuttings???

Hey ya'll, I've been thinking of trying to root some cuttings from a Bhut jolokia plant. Can peppers be propogated that way? I have no experience doing this so i'll be winging it. My bhut jolokia plant (that i grew last summer) got both it's roots and top trimmed down to a few 3 inch branches, I then potted it into a small pot. The plant about 2 weeks after it's haircut seemed to bounce back and grow some leaves and some small new branches. It seems to be in good health but i'd like to have a few more. Can i make it happen by rooting cuttings? will they root? Is this a waste of time or should i start seeds taken from pods last year. However i do not know if the bhut plant crossed with some of my other peppers from last year. What procedure has been used with success (if any) for peppers? does anyboby have firsthand experiece with this? what do you think. Well ya'll are always kind with sharing info and i am always grateful for you sharing your years of chile experience with me.
Thank You in advance for any info, advice or suggestions.
-eAt the hEat-:mouthonfire:
hey pepperyjoe if you want better result cut (with a streril blade if it's possible) a piece of branch of about 2- 3 inch, dip it in use some cloning gel (the rootech work well )!! and put it in jiffy (wet)and than put it in a foamglace covered with a plastic wrap with 2-3 hole ,put it under the light 16/8 and it will root quickly :)
just one thing to add to that, you want about three or four leaves on your cutting, not too many more and if they're younger that's better (you can cut a slightly larger cutting that has more leaves then just snip off the lower ones leaving just the top few).
hey pepperyjoe if you want better result cut (with a streril blade if it's possible) a piece of branch of about 2- 3 inch, dip it in use some cloning gel (the rootech work well )!! and put it in jiffy (wet)and than put it in a foamglace covered with a plastic wrap with 2-3 hole ,put it under the light 16/8 and it will root quickly :)

Care to translate into Cincinnati English? :lol:

What is a 'jiffy' and a 'foamglace'?

And if you can't find rooting hormone and you have willow trees, you can try "willow water". Just google it if interested.
QuebecFire said:
LOL a jiffy is a jiffy
a foam glass (sorry I talk french so LOL I do the best I can LOL ) foam glass like this
{images snipped}

Okay, do I feel stupid. :oops:

I think I'll try some experiements late this summer. I've got a spare room I can use and perhaps I'll be able to have pods all winter long.

I clone about 3500 plants a season and what you need to do is get some rooting powder or jell whatever you feel is better and I like the powder .
then cut them and stick them into some sort of medium like promix .
I keep mine under the table so the light does not cook them dry .
I also cover them with a clear lid to keep them moist.
play around and see what works.
just a little side note ... the old ladies around here will come to opening day at our greenhouse and will pinch off there own cuttings and slip them into there pockets and grow them at home .