Rooting through fabric bags question

I'm using fabric bags a la Dollar General this year for the majority of my superhots.  I noticed that on a monster Fatalii I have that's growing in Ocean Forest soil it's already rooting through the bottom of the bag.  Something I'm not familiar with as a grower is having container plants do this and I'm kind of concerned because I may have to move them around several times during the season.  So my question: If they are heavily rooted through the bag and I rip them out when I move it will that alter production, growth, etc?
Basically I just wanna know if it's going to throw a tantrum and start dropping pods/leaves just because I rip out some root tendrils.  I have no idea how much they're going to reach down but it's only June and our grow season typically lasts into early November.  This plant (strain rather) seems to be a very aggressive rooter and I just wanna know if I should find its season "resting place" early before it gets too late and I end up ripping out a good chunk of the root system
I might be mistaken but isn't it called "air-pruning" when the roots come through the fabric ? Like I said I could be totally off base here...
sp33d said:
I might be mistaken but isn't it called "air-pruning" when the roots come through the fabric ? Like I said I could be totally off base here...
No that's on the sides, I'm talking about the bottom.  Its rooting through the bag. :party:
I'm using the same bags this year. I haven't had to worry about the roots growing through the bottom yet as mine are on cement where we're at now. Very interested though as to what others have to say as they'll be on dirt once we move. 
I put down a piece of plastic under mine to avoid this. But as to you question I don't know, id say pick it up now and do so every couple days so they don't get dug in much and you will avoid a drastic ripping of the roots later on when it needs to be moved. PIA but its that or put something the roots won't penetrate underneath. May help in the reduction of watering if you find a more permanent home. Not that watering seems to be much of an issue in our area as of late. 
id assume that the plant would be in shock, most likely act as if you transplanted it or something, but i could very well be wrong.
i have never actually tried this but thought about it, and i wondered about the root system if it was sitting on the ground.
is there any way you could keep the bag suspended in the air with out it sitting on something?
For the past two years, I've used root pouches on bare ground.  I hadn't had to move them around too much, but there were times when I did have to move them and they had grown roots in the ground.  They never showed any signs of shock by me picking them up, even when some roots snapped off.  If they are robust enough to have roots growing in the ground, then a few snapping off from movement will not hurt them.