pests Round, even spots on Jalapeno leaves, bugs?

Any idea what they are?  Two or three leaves have a couple spots, but this one leaf has two+ dozen on it.  They look almost clear so you could see through the leaf then turned brown.  No more have appeared in the past couple days.  This plant is a Tormenta Jalapeno and I'm in NJ.  I checked the whole plant for bugs but I didn't see anything immediately obvious to my untrained eye.


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Well, the leaf to the right that has 4 or 5 spots almost look like sun scald. But its not usually so perfectly round.
The leaf to the left, with a dozen spots looking almost perfectly made by a paper hole puncher, no clue. The new growth area between those 2 leafs looks to have some kind of pest thing going on.
If it were me, I'd pull all the damaged leafs as they are an opening for disease. And see if new holes appear..?
If you got a scope, look those leafs over carefully, it might shed some light on whats going on...