Russian / Central Asian peppers?


I have been trying to find seeds for uniquely Russian or Central Asian peppers. So far the seed sites have given me nothing.

Is anyone growing something that fits the description or is the tradition of peppers in this regions just spares?

Blafa said:

I have been trying to find seeds for uniquely Russian or Central Asian peppers. So far the seed sites have given me nothing.

Is anyone growing something that fits the description or is the tradition of peppers in this regions just spares?

Prior to this season I have been sending seed to Russia and I have now built up a small net-work on Instagram. I will message and try and get you some authentic pepper seed
Russia has breeded some of the varieties of sweet pepper. Not sure if they have something of their own in hot peppers department. They(ant post sovietic countries) have quite some varieties, which names doesnt match up with english names.
BlackFatalii said:
Here is a list I found on Jim Duffy's site. It lists a couple of Russian sweet peppers:
There is also a baccatum type called Aji Russian Yellow that looks similar to Aji Lemon Drop:
Thanks so much for the links!
Jim Duffy's site was extremely helpful. I will defiantly order from him next season. 
Trident chilli said:
Prior to this season I have been sending seed to Russia and I have now built up a small net-work on Instagram. I will message and try and get you some authentic pepper seed
This sound super interesting. I'd love to follow the progress, and it would mean the world to me to find some old school varieties. 
Lietuvis said:
Russia has breeded some of the varieties of sweet pepper. Not sure if they have something of their own in hot peppers department. They(ant post sovietic countries) have quite some varieties, which names doesnt match up with english names.
I can imagine that there's a lot of different style of sweet peppers, but Russia is so big and culturally diverse it would surprise me if there wasn't any hot peppers in the mix. 
Let me know if you come across any, or if there's any Lithuanian peppers around! 