pests Sad day... Aphids win this time

My indoor hydro grow has had some success, and some fails.  I had huge plants after only 6-7 weeks, but I could never get them to flower. 
The beginning of the end for my grow was the day my wife brought home a pepper plant that belongs to a co-worker of hers. She (wife) was also nice enough to drop the orphan plant inside of my main grow tent !!.. What a girl !!!
The orphan plant came in to my grow room FULL of Aphids. Once I noticed the aphids I snatched up that plant and threw it outside.  I was too late though and the aphids found a new home in my grow room.
I've been trying to get rid of those little bast@ards for weeks now, and today I gave up. I've been out of town for a few days and when I looked in the tent this afternoon, it was a very sad sight. Aphids everywhere, and white flies too.  So I am giving up on this grow. I can't take this anymore.
What I need a a suggestion for a "bug-bomb", or other method to completely eradicate the pests from my grow room. I have plenty of ventilation to clear the room after the treatment, and I don't have to worry about pets for kids. No food stuffs either.
Any recommendations ???
Sad Jeff. 
I've used ld-44z around my plant before without problems, but not if they're fruiting. Since yours aren't fruiting yet, you might be able to save the grow. No matter what you use it can take a while to break the reproductive cycle.
You could try an aphid trap. Plenty DIY ideas on google.


Damn, sorry to hear it dude.
+1 on the aphid traps, I've used them in the past for full-blown attacks with success. The trap doesn't get all the buggers, but it gets enough so that you can easily remove the stragglers yourself with some sticky tape.
Best of luck to ya.
If you choose to empty the tent.....vacuum it out, wash walls with a damp rag using 2 tbs bleach to 1 gal of water.
then set off a doctor doom or similar bug bomb.   
Wipe everything down a second time and leave the room vacant a week.
Good luck...I hate BUGS!!
Sorry, didn't think of it right away. You could also try something containing bacillus thuringiensis, like microbelift. It can be used in hydroponics or soil, and can help prevent infestations from ever starting. There's lots of beneficial microbes now, but they can be hard to find ones that don't require a mortgage to afford the fancy mixes that probably don't work any better than the simple single purpose solutions. So don't be fooled by high priced specialty blends that don't say what's in them.
Sorry to hear. Aphids have been a problem for me every year for the past 10 years. They're easy to kill but they always bounce back. When I was growing indoors I only used neem oil and it seemed to keep everything in check. Just have to be vigilant and stay on top of it.
Today I did it.  I couldn't take it anymore.  I killed my Tasmanian Habanero.  I had to.
I spayed the ever living Neem Oil SH!T out onto that plant. I literally used a full liter of spray every other day for a week. Over a gallon of Neem Oil solution and every day that I looked at the plant I could find live aphids !!!  I wasn't being nice the the plant either...  I drowned that plant with Neem Oil.  My Hydro system was pumping Neem Oil onto the roots because I used so much.
Anyway.  There is a time when the pests truly to win.  When the environment for them is perfect, there is no way to get rid of them. They've had millions of years to develop strategies for survival.
Did you know that a female Aphid gives birth only to females (when conditions are perfect, like mine), and that the daughter is ALREADY PREGNANT when she is borne !!!!  How can you compete with that Grandpa !!!
Aphids already have long immunity to neem, pyrethrin , pepper based soaps, etc. you cant really use anything stronger without killing the plant. They are the Borg.
That was very cruel of you MNXR250R. LOL

But seriously they seem to be the greatest enemy and tough to beat.

MNXR250R said:
Today I did it.  I couldn't take it anymore.  I killed my Tasmanian Habanero.  I had to.
I spayed the ever living Neem Oil SH!T out onto that plant. I literally used a full liter of spray every other day for a week. Over a gallon of Neem Oil solution and every day that I looked at the plant I could find live aphids !!!  I wasn't being nice the the plant either...  I drowned that plant with Neem Oil.  My Hydro system was pumping Neem Oil onto the roots because I used so much.
Anyway.  There is a time when the pests truly to win.  When the environment for them is perfect, there is no way to get rid of them. They've had millions of years to develop strategies for survival.
Did you know that a female Aphid gives birth only to females (when conditions are perfect, like mine), and that the daughter is ALREADY PREGNANT when she is borne !!!!  How can you compete with that Grandpa !!!
Aphids are SO easy...compared to other pests.
All you need is insecticidal soap ("potassium soap") and mix with water and spray. Better even if you mix some Neem oil with it too.
I JUST disovered (a few) mites on my plants and just got in from spraying. I had massive infestations already, when I was too slow to spot the signs.
Insecticidal soap is very safe to use, can even spray preventatively without any harm. 
Also: I always have a small oscillating fan blowing over my plants, this might also help a little to keep pests away.
KAOS said:
You could try an aphid trap. Plenty DIY ideas on google.
These are not aphids (correct me if wrong!) but gnats. Fungus gnats are actually RELATIVELY harmless and they normally a sign of overwatering.So if you have them, the real problem is that your soil doesn't dry out between waterings...because otherwise you wouldn't have the gnats. (They lay their eggs into moist/wet soil)
You can also cover the top of your soil with sand, perlite etc....or go entirely hydro. But as said the problem are usually not the gnats, but overwatering or too humid conditions.
Neem don't do Jack.

Dr bronners liquid castile soap. It's the "potassium soap" flexy mentioned.

I use a 1/2 - 1 tablespoon per spray bottle. Or 4 tablespoons to a gallon roughly. Spray. Wait. Rinse off. Good to go.
sirex said:
Neem don't do Jack.

Dr bronners liquid castile soap. It's the "potassium soap" flexy mentioned.

I use a 1/2 - 1 tablespoon per spray bottle. Or 4 tablespoons to a gallon roughly. Spray. Wait. Rinse off. Good to go.
Thanks for the reply sirex, and others.
Have you been able to get rid of INDOOR pests using Dr Bronners ?
I am now looking for a way to sterilize my grow.... to star over.