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Sad day....

Just finished the first part of my move from Okinawa to California.... Left my plants in Okinawa just as they started to pod up....

But on a good note, saw the new house last night.... Got a gopher problem in the yard.... Took a rough measurement, it's about 30'x15 so I'm thinking 3 raised beds running the full 30' and about 3' wide....
Oy, that's a hard move to make, leaving the plants behind. But cool on the space for the beds!
We won't be moving in until later this month, it's on camp Pendleton.... I won't be able to start anything until mid-may, though.... It works out, in a way.... Housing has to fix the yard and house up some, I'll be in Maryland and PA early may visiting family and stuff ad my seeds haven't made it me yet, I sent them out later than I wanted to....
I have a flat full of plants for ya...if you want them. Red and Yellow Brain Strains, Monster Infinity, Primo, Birgits Locoto, Manzano and some Anaheim, Poblano and a few sweet peppers that remain nameless, seeds gathered from market pods. I'm military also...so I feel your pain. Just say the word and all you gotta do is come and get them. Some other stuff out there, but that's all I can remember off the top of my head. A few tomatoes as well. The local nursery here in Poway has some Bhuts, Fatalii and Pequins among other stuff, so you could score there also.

PM me if you want the stuff. I am getting rid of it anyway.
Awesome, thanks for the offers.... USMC, correct. The only reason I'm not able to start the grow until mid to late may is I'm gonna be on the east coast early may or I'd have started germinating today (if I mailed the seeds early enough)

Any tips on the raised beds? All I was able to do in Oki was containers on the balcony.... I'm wanting at least 40 different types, more if I can squeeze them in. Research and others comments here show some of my varieties I'm planning can get pretty big.... My biggest plant in Oki was a scotch bonnet that got maybe two feet....

I'd love a few plants to get things started, but it might be a week or so before I'm able to plan anything in terms of meeting up for a plant or two....
I think you will be very happy with your results when you move to SoCal. Don't let any of the Northerners hear you complaining about starting your grow in May.

As far as the beds are concerned, are you planning on just planting them in a row? 3' isn't really going to give your room for more than one wide. I'm really pushing it having 2 wide in a 4' bed. If you're only doing peppers and it doesn't bother you asthetically, you could do rows instead of beds. Just work amendments and such into the soil and pile it up so it is raised, but not edged. I'm new at this, though, so you'll probably get some better advice from the more experienced growers.
I want to thank you for the courage and generosity to enlist. I am also in San Diego and anything that I have, you are welcomed to. Check my glog. I have around 200 types going. I can set you up with frozen peppers, powders, whatever you need. God bless you. pp
Only complaining about a late start as the Okinawan summer stunted and/or killed some of mine with a late start last year.... Wanting to avoid direct in-ground as I'm told there's a gopher issue with the yard and I'd rather not have to combat those in addition to aphids and stuff....

Pp, I might have to take you up on that, depends on if I can find anything other than Habs in stores but I doubt it....
I have 1-10 gal pots for you too. Wilds, Supers , Whatever. Do not buy them, I will hook you up. Shane too. Its the least I can do.
You should also plant some garlic and onions to keep the gophers away. They are not fans. Also, from what the other gardeners in my area say, gophers aren't big fans of chile plants. It seems to be the last thing they go for.
Lay down some good expanded metal, woven or welded fabric or perferated metal for those gophersers. Attach it to the sides so they don't push around it.

Pendleton is where Surfer Joe got sent to.
Right, what was I thinking. But they can be tough.
Squirrels I have issues with.... I'll be putting up some fencing or something to keep my 2 year old and our future dog out of the area.... And with the neighbors having dogs that stay outside, there's only be one side I have to worry about rabbits getting through.... More worried about snails, but I haven't seen any monstrous ones like in Okinawa....

I considered just filling the area with 5 gallon buckets, the wife didn't like that idea too much.... The raised beds will give me a reason to spend some time out in the yard.... Maybe when she sees how much will go into the raised beds, I can get away with a 50/50 and mix in some containers....
I think you will be very happy with your results when you move to SoCal. Don't let any of the Northerners hear you complaining about starting your grow in May.

Heh...we can't plant out until mid-may, and then only have 4 months or so before Papa Frost comes back and kills everything. I'm sure you can still have a monster year in SoCal, even with a May start.

Get some fencing around the garden, and over, and under. Squirrels and rabbits will be a nightmare, and the gophers won't help. They probably won't appreciate a little "practice" with your service weapon in your backyard, unfortunately.