Saddest Day of the Season

Getting a freeze in the next day or so; so I just had to pick/cut all my outdoor pepper plants.  Hurts me almost as much as it hurts the plants to do out and lop them down. busy plucking peppers branch, by branch as I type this. Will likely be doing it for several days now.
At least I have some indoor plants. So will still have a few fresh pods, just not like summer, and fall. ☹
Aye, already had quiet a few frosts. Many plants couldn't take it. But I left those that could. Now it's going to be a freeze though. Never seen a pepper plant that could survive that.
I know how you feel tomorrow I start my garden and lawn clean up along with roof inspection for the winter at my sisters home.
I still have several super hots that have green pods on them they got a late start as the ground stayed too cold when it should have warmed up so they just sat there looking sad till nearly the end of summer. they turned out to be some of my best plants and are making pods like made but its too late for many of them .
They will get stripped and ripped from the ground, I will save some of the ripe pods for seeds for my 2016 grow because 2015 I will be doing a all wild grow and will not have room for my super hots. I may do a Peruvian garden and grow some of their classic garden plants with some of their more unusual vegetables if i can find them all.
First frost was last night.  I have already brought my plants in for overwintering.  Only one plant, a thai chili is still outside.  Don't think it's going to finish ripening in time...
freeze last night as well.....i cut 8 plants and hung them in the basement, they had enough pods to warrant
i've got a window screen full of pods, from green to almost ripe......hopefully i'll get 50% of those to ripen.....if i do, it will have been a very good year......there's 2 1-gallon zip locks full of yellow peppers in the fridge, with another couple smaller bags......3+ gallon bags of reds.....probably a gallon of oranges and enough greens and chocolates to probably make 10-20 bottles of each of those
been a decent year.......the number of plants that i had produce well was not great (funny spring weather-wise), but the production out of the ones that did well was excellent
looking at 150-200 bottles of sauce methinks