• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Salgar's mini glog First Pods!

Hi all, finally got round to snapping some of my plants.  This is my first serious garden year, I grew a horrible tasting multi coloured ornamental and some sickly birds eye types a few years back.  I'll call this a mini glog because I don't know how often I'll be updating it.  Anyways on to the plants:
This is the one that started it all, I got it online because I was buying a couple of coffee trees and wanted to pad out the order.  It just said "habanero" on the site, no idea what kind.  When it got here a couple of months ago it had 2 baby peppers on it which I pulled off to promote growth.  They had no heat at all but maybe that's because they were so young.

Untitled by salgar08, on Flickr
These are the seedlings still in seedling jail, the tall ones are deArbol Blood, the front ones are orange scorpions and the ones in the back are 7 pot Jonahs.  I planted NagaBons exactly the same as I did these but they never came up.  Some of them have black leaves, not sure why.

Untitled by salgar08, on Flickr

The mysterious grow corner...

Untitled by salgar08, on Flickr
These were a late addition, found at Bunnings when I went in for some more dirt:  Red Scotch Bonnets

Untitled by salgar08, on Flickr

And this is a corner of my main garden (very small), the only chillies in it are 2  Thai type birdseyes in front left of the tomato and 2 deArbol Bloods in a line behind it I just put out.  The rest of the garden is tomatoes, okra, beans, lettuce, spinach, dill, coriander and eggplant all crowded way too close together.

Untitled by salgar08, on Flickr
A 7 pod Jonah from seed:

Untitled by salgar08, on Flickr
Brown Habanero from Bunnings:

Untitled by salgar08, on Flickr

I've also got a sickly jalapeno I'm keeping shaded, seems to be strengthening, a Tabasco and a few more deArbols in pots that may or may not take.  This is my set up year, not so much work to do next year and the soil should be improved by then.  Depending on how my grow bags and pots go I may put a few more in the ground.  Planning on saving seeds from the ones I like(if I actually get pods), not going to isolate so I'll grow those plus some new ones next year.  Sorry for Iphone quality photos, I drowned my camera in its underwater housing a couple of years ago.
Thanks MH.  Are chocolates and browns the same thing?  I wanted the chocos because of what I've read on here about them.  The label looked like the chocos I've seen.
My babies are having babies!  :)  Not from seed, but still the first pod from my garden!  I was fingering the flowers thinking how many have dropped off and how long it's been flowering with no pods and when I turned it to get to the back I found this one and one other hiding in a leaf :-)

(finger in foreground added for sizing  :oops: )
In other news I finally got some more dirt and let all my seedlings out of their cage, here's a family shot of a few of them:

Untitled by salgar08, on Flickr
And my sickly spindly jalapeño is flowering but still not very lush and a bit yellow, I've got it in part shade because it wasn't doing very well in full sun but I think it might be the soil, any recommendation for fert?  I use spent coffee grounds mostly.  My pots are hit or miss but what I've put in the ground has mostly done well - unfortunately 3 x 2 meters is barely enough room for more than my one monstrous tomato plant, let alone the 14 other crops trying to compete.

Untitled by salgar08, on Flickr

(the little guy is a Thai Birdseye - if it perks up I may repot it but I'll probably just yank it.  The other one in a pot on its own isn't much better but the 2 I put in the ground are off and flowering)