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condiment salsa de cacahuate

Ok, so I remember when I first joined THP i asked about a peanut salsa I had eaten. I made it before using chili de arbol I believe, but now I decided to take my own approach and boy was it tasty.
Ingredients: 1 cup roasted peanuts, 3 large tomatoes, a big handful of dried trinidad perfume, a few dried brazilian starfish for heat, 1 dried chipotle, 2 fresh jalapeños, 1/2 a white onion, olive oil and chicken broth
This recipe is a lot like the rick bayless red sauce recipe that i've posted here countless times. The difference is I also fry up the dried peppers in olive oil and add the thickened sauce back into hot olive oil. Here's how it goes:
Broil tomatoes and jalapeños, fry up dried peppers without burning them and set aside, fry up the chopped onion to a golden brown, add broiled peeled & chopped tomatoes. Blend everything together Put the blended thick mixture back into a pan of hot olive oil, mix it up then add a cup of chicken broth and salt, then reduce till it's the thickness consistency that you like. for this i like it quite a bit thicker than my usual red sauce. 

empty soy sauce bottles are good for something, glad I saved it
This peanut salsa is great for tacos, burritos, cooked meats, eggs. I wouldn't necessarily use it as a sauce for an enchilada, but i don't see why you couldn't.
Roguejim said:
Would you mind reposting that other recipe here, again?

What type of Mexican food would be suitable for the peanut salsa?
the other recipe is:

Toss with oil and broil 1# tomatoes and peppers ( I really enjoy jalapeños or scotch bonnets, but any will do really). Peel off skin of tomato if they're large and deseed peppers as you wish. Blend the mixture up to a puree. Fry up 1/2 a chopped white onion till golden brown, it's important that it's white. Add the blended mixture to the onions and add salt. Add 1.75 cups of broth, chicken or vegetable. Reduce to the thickness that you like, I like mine nape, so not too thin that it runs off the spoon but not really too thick. This is great for anything really, recipe was for chile rellenos but i put that shit one everything like eggs, tacos, enchiladas, etc. 

here's the original red sauce post along with my famous chile rellenos recipe. can't beat it even if Scoville DeVille thinks his are better lol. Really though, our recipes were very similar. we had a little chile rellenos cookoff a while back