You deservit gerl. oooohhh yeeeaaahhh.......

2 First plqlceded Scovie awards....


BOOOM! :woohoo:
:lol: it's all good, I can read scovie-ese. Thanksesesss
no worries, amiga, Welsh and Scovi-ese are alive and well!
Oh....don't get me all nostalgic now!!!! ;)

(but, in your honor, I'm rockin' out some BeauSoleil!!!! (spelling be damned - cajun tunes a blastin'!!!!!!)
Keep it Rockin'!
Still They Ride....

thanks Megs~~!

and yea, we need a re-wine emoticon!!!!!
There is no wine emoticon, but the whine emoticon is :scovilledeville:

:lol: Boss

I thought that was-edit- person, and when you boot it outa da park....aw well, it's all good
Good for you Salsalady!!!!!
Can I pick your brain?

I was thinking of making some hot sauce for a party; do you think that 1 lb bhuts to one yellow onion; 3 cloves of garlic; and 1/2 oz of cilantro is too much?
Or should I cut the onion in half?

I never won any contest--they would not let me in.
Thanks again, everyone. I humbly appreciate it.

Balac, That would be some scorching hot sauce. One small onion would be fine, if you like onion, add more :). Hope you warn the guests. :mouthonfire: