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Same plant , 2 shapes of pods

I think is a cross (no wonder, knowing how many "black seeds" are you growing).
I have sent some peppers to a coworker in Serbia 2 years ago, he grew some plants from those seeds, and one set some strange pods, like nothing I sent to him, probably a cross of Caribbean red and Chupetinho, I think. All pods were same shape, excepting one. You bet I am growing now plants from that pod :)
az1000 said:
My Rocoto Yellow have 2 kinds of pods :
First shape


Weird. I had one of my rocoto plants putting off two different colors of pods last year, but I've never had a rocoto plant put off different shaped pods like that before. Maybe it's just the first pods from the plant that are funky shaped, then the latter ones will be more uniform in shape. Cool stuff, thanks for sharing!
I have a chinense x frutescense (baby morich) putting out both scorpion and apple shaped pods. Looks pretty unusual but cool too.

Your rocotos look nice especially the pumpkin shaped pod.