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I see that it says coral sand on the bottom. I use to have a saltwater aquarium and I remeber that you could buy live sand, if thats what this is, you will probably have to rinse it a couple times to get all the salt out of it.

But other then that I think it should be ok.

What else are you mixing it with?
kylec said:
I see that it says coral sand on the bottom. I use to have a saltwater aquarium and I remeber that you could buy live sand, if thats what this is, you will probably have to rinse it a couple times to get all the salt out of it.

But other then that I think it should be ok.

What else are you mixing it with?
Wouldn't the salt be beneficial to his peppers?
Pepperjack91 said:
Wouldn't the salt be beneficial to his peppers?
Uh I dont think so. The salt would lockout the nutes. But on the otherside im pretty sure coral sand, is crushed corals. So you would have a ton of calcium.... maybe
I know a guy who gathered sand from the beach here and spread it around his garden. It killed every single plant really fast. If it has salt I wouldnt use it.
Salt will kill plants and almost everything which is not tolerant to salt. Sand is bad. I don't like sandy mixes. As suggested it washes out and can inhibit drainage.
Sand isn't bad per-se ... Salty sand (salty anything) is not good ... Too much sand (too much of any one thing is not good) is not good .... When gardening think of goldilocks ... The best things are always balanced
Taste some of it and see if its salty... then spit it out and rinse ;)  if it is salty then you could use it to kill the weeds in the driveway!?
A little sand is good in most mixes... if you feel like getting fancy look into green sand and volcanic sand.  Generally the more coarse the grade of sand the better for cultivation.