Voodoo 6
I have a bunch of this years xxx lumbre chiles from Hatch drying in the sun, and was wondering how the SASE things works here, the seeds will be free of course, but is there anything else to consider doing this offer? Bear in mind, the post office is not too far away, so sending should be quick, but still learning how to drive this weird British car, I had to ask the dealer how to start it. Weird stuff...
I have a bunch of this years xxx lumbre chiles from Hatch drying in the sun, and was wondering how the SASE things works here, the seeds will be free of course, but is there anything else to consider doing this offer? Bear in mind, the post office is not too far away, so sending should be quick, but still learning how to drive this weird British car, I had to ask the dealer how to start it. Weird stuff...