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extreme-heat Satans Blood Chili Extract

Today I am going to review the mighty Satans Blood. The only true extract I have done previously was Da Bomb The Final Answer. This one is a bit different and I will go into detail why.
First of all the bottle and label are quite unique. It is a vile shaped bottle with a cool label attached. The label features a photo of Beelzebub himself plus warnings telling you it's not a hot sauce. The color is a very dark red like blood. Now I took a teaspoon and filled it at least 2/3 full, then drank the contents. The extract goes right for the throat not so much the mouth. It is a very unpleasant sort of burn rather unnatural in sensation. The flavor is very very chemical and you can't taste the red wine vinegar, only extact and more extract. Also, the extract left an orange stain on the spoon like oily paint. The burn lasted about 15 minutes. I had a lot of chocolate milk to coat my stomach so by the time the burn was gone i thought I was O.K. I was so wrong. About an hour later I felt a hot sensation in my stomach and it got worse and worse until I was rolling on the floor in pain. Then something happened which never happened to me in over 6 years of hot sauce and pepper testing; I went to the bathroom and vomited. I couldn't believe it. But then i felt better and all was good again.
This was different from Final Answer in while Final Answer seemed to burn the throat even more and gave me tremendous ear pain,Satans blood hit the stomach much harder. That was probably the worst capsaicin cramp I ever had. No raw pepper has ever done anything like that. It was scary actually. Also, Da Bomb Final Answer had a touch of sweetness to it while Satans Blood was incredibly bitter. That all being said I still think Final Answer is the hotter product as it seemed much hotter when i actually ate it. My heat ratings are out of 12 so i will give Satans Blood an 11.8 and 12 will be reserved for Final Answer and hotter.
So my suggestion if you buy Satans Blood is don't do a spoonful or even half a spoonful. You will regret it. Start off with a toothpick or a small drop to start with.
Verdict: Heat 11.8, Flavor 1.5
I wouldn't recommend it. That stuff is hot, but it's basically novelty garbage. I have a bottle on top of my fridge that will always just sit there. It has no redeeming qualities that would make me want to add it to food... not when I have fresh peppers, sauces, and powders at my fingertips. But the bottle is neat!
+1 with the Idiot ^^ ;) on Pure Evil or my fave Defcon 0 - other than that I would even bother - extracts are just gross. I havent touched an extract in years now that I have my powders in hand - no stomach cramps and a lot of ring of fire -- Good luck in your endeavor
I wouldn't really call it gross. It's more of an extremely strong, unnatural taste, like something you are not supposed to eat. Yeah, Pure Evil 7.6 million is next and I am not really looking forward to that one either as I don't care for the taste of alcohol. I will do a review on it though.