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Satsuma from Seeds

I know you don't typically grow citrus trees from seed.  Most are grafted onto a root stock for another plant.
But I can't resist trying.  :)

I got this seed from some Satsuma's growing on a friend's Owari Satsuma tree.  Out of about eight Satsuma's, I only found two seeds, and this is the only one that's germinated so far.
I've tried this before several years ago with some Clementines from WalMart.  I could get the tree to grow up to about 8-10 feet high after a few years, but the tree never produced any flowers.
I've heard somewhere that most seeds you try to save from commercially produced citrus will either not germinate at all, or grow into a sterile tree.
I'm slightly more optimistic about the Satsuma since it's a niche citrus fruit that was brought over from Japan about 100 years ago, and is typically only found on the Gulf Coast.
The Satsuma tastes a lot like a Tangerine or a Clementine, and can handle a moderate freeze.  Most Satsuma trees will handle a 28 degree freeze just fine without any extra protection, and sometimes even lower.  The Satsuma tree that I got these seeds from is protected from the direct brunt of a strong Northern wind, but otherwise the owner doesn't do anything else to protect the tree, and we've had several nights in the low 20s this year.
Satsumas are my favorite citrus fruit. I lived just outside of Erath many years ago and remember there was a roadside stand that sold them somewhere between Erath and Lafayette.

To my knowledge, the key lime is the only citrus that grows true to type. And I wouldn't swear to that.
Key limes are supposed to grow true.  I've got one that I started from seed and it produced it's first flower about two weeks ago.  
Trifoliate grows wild down here in South East Texas.  The fruit is not desirable but the root stock is often used to graft other citrus on to it.  