food Saturday Morning Jerkapenos 06-06-09

Aww man, those look delicious man!

How'd he like the "special" jerkapenos? Did you let him know what he was getting himself into?

Bhuts and Naga + 7 pot concentrate... sccarry!

AlabamaJack said:
thanks Bro...I kinda got the idea from you Quad...I was using ham already but said...if ham would other sliced deli meats....

bows to the master....thanks will be coming this evening/night when I get home...if I am not too drunk to post them....

thanks nate...they are definitely delicious...using hickory for smoke

special Jerkapenos have 4 ounces of 7 pot concentrate added to the already fiery batch two stuffing...the most extreme ones are the bhut jolokias that have an "extra helping" of stuffing and an additional 1/2 tsp of 7 pot concentrate...they are the ones with 3 toothpicks sticking in them...

here they are smoking...

Noshownate said:
a little too crisp for me should have smoked alittle longer. still reslly rreally good. 2 cubanelle's 3 jalapeno's store bought, oven roasted turkey, cream cheese pepper jack, shreded cheddar etc.. props to aj

those look great nate...good going...I had to smoke mine about 2 to 2 1/2 hours on loooooowwww heat to get them where I wanted them...

chilehunter said:
AJ - the poppers look very tasty, also a great way to start the weekend off :cool:

nate - your poppers are looking good too.

thanks CH and you are right...a great way to start the weekend...

patrick said:
Mind if I drool all over this thread?

I've done this a long time ago, way before my chili days, using a slice of dill pickle instead of a pepper. Now why didn't I think of this? Thanks AJ and Quad.

Drool away Patrick...if you had eaten one of the "special" ones, you would have been droolin' for real for about 5 minutes....

UnNatural said:
Aww man, those look delicious man!

How'd he like the "special" jerkapenos? Did you let him know what he was getting himself into?

Bhuts and Naga + 7 pot concentrate... sccarry!

I told him what they were and he knew...he has tasted every pepper I have ever grown and loves my concoctions...they were,,,,,,lets just say extreme...the nagas and bhuts even though not red ripe have been on the vine for about 6 weeks so the heat was there...the combination of the 7 pot concentrate and chocolate habanero worked really well.....the 7 Pot and Chocolate hab gave you an immediate burn from the middle of the tongue down the throat and after about a minute, the bhut heat kicked in and built for about 3 minutes...the pain lasted about 10 minutes before it got really bearable but the warmness in the mouth lasted an hour...

pictures will be coming tonight of the peoples faces...I left my camera at my buddies place and am going to get it this evening after work...
Looks heavenly!!! I'm STILL all poppered out from our throwdown a few weeks ago. I hope I'll be in the mood for them again soon :). Although, I need a new smoker...mine got stolen over Memorial Day weekend :(.
LTNS Impy!

Bummer about the smoker...that really sux. Buggers.

How/Why the frell do ya steal an entire smoker? They ain't tiny...
Pictures as promised....

ImpyChick said:
Looks heavenly!!! I'm STILL all poppered out from our throwdown a few weeks ago. I hope I'll be in the mood for them again soon. Although, I need a new smoker...mine got stolen over Memorial Day weekend.

Thanks Impy...I don't think I will ever get peppered, I mean poppered out...I love them...sorry to hear about your smoker...I hope the bastids get burned using it...

here are the pictures as promised...

first up is yours truly...don't know if you can tell or not but I was in pain....


My buddy Randy...I was giggling so hard I couldn't hold the camera still...


another buddy Jeremy...his burn was almost over but he still was walking around holding his mouth open with his tongue in the breeze..


another buddy Jake...he is new to the chilihead world but takes it like a man..

Looks like fun AJ and now your friends have the privilege of being immortalized on the internet for their efforts!
Randy is a trooper...he will try anything I make or grow...and he likes it extreme...we all got one heck of an endorphin rush after eating the poppers...there was probably 30 people at the party but only about 5 or 6 of us ate sweet wife Linda took a bite, then handed it to me immediately and said "It's too dang hot for me"
AlabamaJack said:
Batch one complete...



batch 2 part one...I decided to try and smoke on my gas grill...indirect heat with chips in a pan on the opposite end....seems to be working well..oh, by the way...batch one was kinda mild so I added a lot more...probably 4 ounces of the chocolate habanero concentrate to it...


batch 2 part 2...back on the smoker...

Coming Soon.
So I have two questions:
-How do unripe bhuts taste compared to red ones?
-Are these not technically jerkapotle due to you smoking them?