So I gotta find a use for some peppers before they start going bad.... I usually do an orange hab/pineapple/papaya sauce and have everything for another batch but wanting to mix it up somewhat....
I have a dozen store bought orange habs, 4 store bought orange manzanos and some store bought dried pequins.... any ideas on proportions? I'd like to be able to identify the flavors of each pepper, the heat level isn't an issue, but the hotter the better, I'm aiming for something comparable to the original which calls for a dozen habs....
I have a dozen store bought orange habs, 4 store bought orange manzanos and some store bought dried pequins.... any ideas on proportions? I'd like to be able to identify the flavors of each pepper, the heat level isn't an issue, but the hotter the better, I'm aiming for something comparable to the original which calls for a dozen habs....