Save the Hula!!!

As most of you know, Hurricane Sandy took a pretty hard toll on most of the Northeast. One of our chilehead brethren is one of those people. Ed Bucholtz, the owner of Born to Hula Sauce Company suffered severe damage to his home, product inventory and peppers. Below is a link to our fundraiser Facebook page. All funds go directly to Ed's PayPal account. Please donate to BTH and help Ed get back to making his great products again!

Ed is a great guy. I asked him how bad the damage was and this was the response:

"4 ft of water all of our furniture is gone. All our cloths and shoes are soaked so we don't know what's good or ruined. Power is still out so we can't do laundry. All my locations I sell my sauce to are gone. Not to mention the whole bay shore and jersey shore!"
agh - that's horrific to hear.

I've never met him but he looks EXACTLY like a good friend of mine, and I've heard from others he's a good dude.

Donatorated :woohoo: