review SB7J Pod Test

I review another beautiful pepper sent to me by Juanitos. I made several references to it as SBJ7, my apologies, it's SB7J. :oops: Brain to mouth dyslexia. The pod was pretty hot, a little more floral than I like, but that's just my preference. There was a fruitiness to it as well.
mpicante said:
Great review! Any info on which SB has parentage to this pepper?
Great review! Any info on which SB has parentage to this pepper?
Thanks! Not sure on the parentage. I didn't some searching, but didn't find anything. Maybe Patrick will see this and answer.
cloudhand said:
I think I remember reading awhile ago that the parents were a red foodarama Scotch Bonnet crossed with a 7 Pot Jonah. But I could be wrong.
Thanks for sharing that.
What an amazing looking pod! Jcw10tc sent me some of these seeds, and now I'm really excited to grow them out.
Thanks for the review.